"Cam, I need to go somewhere later today, don't ask...I'll tell you, but not now." Lexi says with a smile and all I do is roll my eyes.

"Will you be good?"

"Don't worry Lexi. I'll be good." I smile.

"Ok, but if you feel worse just call me and I'll be back home immediately!" She says a bit worried.

"Alright. When are you leaving?" I ask her, taking a cup of tea.

"In a few hours. I have a meeting, but before I go we can watch a movie or something."

"Movie sounds great! Let's just finish our breakfast and wash the dishes." I tell her while sipping my tea. Lexi made my favorite one, green tea with mango.

After the breakfast and a short arguing about who's going to wash the dishes, which I wanted to do, but Lexi didn't want to let me do it, but me being as a very stubborn person, I did wash the dishes, called Daren and we watched a movie.

And now it's time for Lexi to go about her secret business.

"Remember to call me if you feel worse. Ok?" Lexi says while she puts her heels on.

"Don't worry, I'll...I'm a grown up, you know that right." I smirk at her while she just glare at me.

"Not funny..."Lexi says and hugs me.

I hug her back. She exits the apartment and I close the door and lock it. Now I have a few hours and I have no idea of what to do. It's six in the evening. I would be on my home right now if I was at work.

Well maybe I can read a book or watch a film, I'm so bored of staying home and doing nothing.

I take my laptop and decide to work a little bit, just a little... I don't think it will harm me. I place my it in the living room and go to the kitchen. I'll make some tea and just look through all my projects. I do this sometimes when I'm bored.

While I was seating and drinking tea my mind starts to think about last few days. I think this is the first time when J isn't here when I don't feel well. Before he always was there for me and took care of me.

That's just weird, but I'm ok with the thought that he isn't here...

Theo is here...and again I'm think about him...what is wrong with me...I find myself thinking about him a lot recently... and I mean a lot....

My thought are interrupted by a knock on the door.

Who's that can be?

I stand up from the couch and make my eyes to the door.

My eyes wide when I open the door and see the person who's standing next to me now.

"Raley?!" I say shocked to see him here.

"Hey Cam." He greets me rubbing his neck.

"What do you want?" I ask him sharply.

"I wanted to check on you, I was worried..."

I interrupt him.

"Cut the bullshit Raley...What do you want?"

"I really am worried about your wellbeing Camil, why can't you understand it ?!" Raley says raising his voice at me.

"It's better for you to leave." I say him coldly.

I don't need any stress right now.

"Why are you doing this ?" Raley asks suddenly.

"What am I doing?" Now it's me who's raising the voice.

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