Excepting ranks

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The swaying of being carried awakens Korosu from her deep slumber. Stiffling a yawn, she opens her eyes and blinks twice at the sight before her.

Holding her was Uchiha Itachi, the man Sasuke wants to kill, the man who had silently been mocking her before her battle. That sent a thrill of small anger through her, but it quickly left her. And beside them, was Sasori from the Sand. She didn't know much about him, except his parents were dead and he- like Itachi -no longer belonged to his village.

"Morning, brat." Sasori glances at her, brown eyes blank.

She swallows. "Morning."

Amusement flits through his gaze before leaving. She remebered the exchange they had had before she'd drunk the vial and fell to their mercy.

"You awoke sooner than we thought." Itachi snatches her attention. "Do mind if we blindfold you?"

Yes found its way to the tip of her tongue, but Korosu found herself shaking her head. "Go ahead, I've got nothing to lose."

Itachi and Sasori share a look, but remain silent. Itachi gently ties a black cloth around her eyes and whispers in her ear that she'll be safe with him. Her body relaxes. She had already lost everything. There was nothing to lose. But, it did scare her how she was already comfortable with these two strangers. Not to mention they were killers, but where did she get off saying that? Look at the millions she has killed over the years she's been born.

It was a short time in silence before she felt herself being lowered to the ground. Unsteady and slightly weak, she clings to Itachi's arm before letting go. Almost as if she'd been burned by fire.

"Follow me and keep the blindfold on." Itachi grips her hand in his. His larger hand swamping hers.

She could feel his warmth seep into her colder, smaller hand, and she was greatful for it. "Thank you." She whispers. She's not sure why she did, but her chest felt lighter once she whispered those words.

I'm sorry Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Sensei. Minna. Korosu silently cries in her mind, letting the sorrow fill her plea for forgiveness from her friends she had left behind to escape the pain. Usagi, tell Matsu, if you see him, that I'll be waiting for him before my sixteenth birthday.

"Come in." A male's cold voice wipes away the rest of her thoughts.

Itachi opens the heavy door and brings her inside the room, shutting the door once Korosu was inside. "Pein-san, this is Korosu."

"Yes, the girl."

She blinks, but the blindfold catches her lashes. "Itachi," she tugs on his sleeve. "Can the blind fold come off now?"

She feels him sigh- the same sigh Sasuke usually gave her when she asked for his help when she could've done it herself -and the blindfold slips off. "Korosu, this is the Akatsuki's leader: Pein."

An imposing man sat behind a desk. His orange hair drew the eye away from his purple ringed eyes and many metal piercings dotting his pale face.

"Hello, Korosu." Pein-san nods, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Hello, Pein-sama." Korosu doesn't bow to anyone, but she felt this man was dangerous.

Amusment flickers in his purple ringed eyes as he leans back in his chair.

Itachi steps forward, offerring a cloak black as night with scarlet clouds painted all around. Shocked by the beauty of it, she slips her arms through the sockets and breathes in amazement at the silky fabric trailing along her skin. Itachi grabs her hand and slips a ring onto her left middle finger, a symbol etched into the silver.

The symbol for life.

"Welcome to the Akatsuki, Korosu Akuma."

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