Handsome redhead, kittyboy, and fourtails

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  Grunting, I connect with the ground painfully. I felt my vision narrow and zoom like I had entered a tunnel before it zooms back out to normal. I didn't stay there for long, because next thing I know I'm hauled up in the air, my feet dangling out underneath me.

Here's this height disadvantage I was talking about.

"What the hell, put me down!" I shout in outrage. I may be short, but that doesn't mean you can manhandle me!

"Heh, look what the cat dragged in. A little girl," A males voice chuckles humorlessly. I on the other hand was like a wild cat, snarling and thrashing around. If this punk thought he could get away with this then he was dead wrong.

"I am not little you dipshit!" I snarl harshly, my eyes flashing black before I can get a hold of my emotions and rein them in.

"I'm not a dipshit, you brat!" The same male hisses, shaking me roughly. My head was beginning to lull about every-which-way.

"Keep telling yourself that," I hiss back, my lips drawn back in a feral snarl.

"Hey! Let Korosu go!" Naruto's yell sounds out, letting me know I wasn't alone.

This had all happened because I had been chasing their asses- and yet, here I was getting picked on.

"Yeah you jackwagon!" I agree before punching him hard in the gut. The guy with the purple markings grunts and lets me go.

Sadly for me there was quite a bit of difference between me and the ground. "Hey jackass!" I jump up, my hair flaying around me as my eyes grow darker. "You don't drop people, you set them down g-e-n-t-l-y! GENTLY!"

"Koro-chan, no you can't!" Naruto stops me from jumping the poor- not really poor in my eyes- guy by wrapping his arms around me and holding me against him as I struggle.

"Damn she's feisty," the guy with purple markings remark- the same jackass who had just let me fall not too long ago.

"Like you're any better Kittyboy," I smirk tauntingly at him , earning a low growl from him. "Oh look, that cat's all bark and no bite," I laugh harshly. He starts at me but the girl with four tails stops him in his tracks by holding out a hand. Her expression was stern, but there was a glimmer of amusement and fear in her eyes.

"Kankuro stop, Gaara's going to get mad!" She pleads to this 'Kankuro' person. He looked like an oversized walking cat to me.

"Aw, look at this, Kankuro needs a girl to tell him what to do," I coo, my eyes sparkling as I dare him to come closer by cocking my index finger in his direction.

He takes my little dare, jerking me away from Naruto and into the air once more. His lips were pulled back in a deep scowl.

"I don't like brats like you," He snarls, his face dangerously close to my own. I smirk calmly back at him as I peck his cheek. He smelled like sand.

"Sweetie, please. I know you want a go at this," I chuckle sadistically, a deadly glint in my eyes. I felt those weird black markings coming on, so I toned down on my emotions a little. This was becoming a pain to keep my emotions in check.

"Like hell I would," Kankuro growls deeply from the back of his throat.

"Of course only in your dreams that is." I nod my head in agreement, giving him a smart reply. He raises his fist and brings it sharply to my face.

"Korosu!" Naruto and Sakura shout in panic, but I watch the fist come straight at me with unblinking eyes. My piercing gaze never once wavering or loosing contact with Kankuro's as his fist came closer.

"Kankuro. Stop," A deep, cold, voice orders from nearby. Kankuro's fist stops imminently, just inches away from my cheek. There was a slight tremble there.

"Ooh, not going to finish it?" I tilt my head to the side, daring him once more to do it.

"God, your crazy," Kankuro whispers under his breath, but I correct him.

"No- I'm batshit crazy,"

"What?" Kankuro and practically everyone else, but Sasuke and the new stranger, yelp out in confusion.

I haven't seen what he looks like yet, since Kankuro still had me close to his own face, but I was imagining a chiseled face to match that brooding voice.

"There's a difference, I'm not crazy instead I'm batshit crazy. Probably on the line of being sadistic even," I confirm my own theory, smiling happily by the time I was done.

Where had my brain gone in all of this? Sometimes I think I'd gotten stupider coming to Konoha than when I had been back home...

"I, for once, can agree with her." Sasuke admits, but his tone is still cold and full of no emotion.

He and the other guy could throw a party for best heartless person.

"Put her down," the same deep voice comes again from somewhere behind Kankuro.

Kankuro drops me down once more, but right as I was about to hit the ground, sand comes up and saves me. It was grainy against my exposed skin and I felt my eyes widen a fraction before they blink back to normal.

"Thanks," I smile warmly over in the direction of the guy's voice. I was met with shocked silence. "Well this isn't awkward at all, now is it?" I chuckle, scratching the back of my head. He had helped me, why couldn't I be nice in return?

"Did she just smile at him?" The blonde girl whispers, her voice shocked beyond her limits.

"I-I think so..." Kankuro whispers back, his eyes wide and shocked.

"Well, aren't you two just nice little siblings," is my snide remark. Naruto holds back a loud laugh, but Sakura lets a giggle slip. I was taking a guess on them being siblings since they all held the same smell of sand about them and their body language spoke about familiarity.

"Lets go," The cute- yes, I'm saying cute. I can't appreciate good looking guys when I see them- redhead orders, turning on the balls of his feet. Tamari and Kankuro follow with small nods.

"Wait!" Sakura shouts, her voice slightly trembling. The trio stop in their tracks and turn to face us once more. I tune out their next few words before I realized that someone had spoken to me.

"Whoops, wanna repeat?" I smile sheepishly, slightly embarrassed. Both Naruto and Sakura shake their heads at me, but Sasuke merely stands there as if he'd been expecting me to say this.

"What's your name?" The cute redhead asks, okay more like demanded.

"I could be asking you the same thing," My smile turning into a cocky smirk. A growl emits from the boy's throat but I wave it off with a smile and a color change of my eyes. I was getting a hang at this "control" thing... Slightly...

"Gaara. Gaara of the sand." The redhead introduces himself, sending a small nod in my direction.

"Korosu," is my cryptic reply, earning a small death glare, but I noticed that the corner of his mouth was trying hard not to twitch.

I find myself growing a pleasant warmth in my chest at seeing that small twitch. It seemed to me this boy, Gaara, wasn't one for closeness.

He was like fire and I wanted to test the limits that came with playing with fire.


Sorry if Gaara seems a little off, I always feel uneasy writing about him since he's such a great character and his whole person is amazing!



& READ ONWARDS.......<3

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