Lazy day and some flashbacks

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  It truly hurts when you feel the none existent love from your parents. I stood outside in the pouring down rain; the cold drops hitting my bare shoulders, watching the warm glow of the T.V shine through the window panel.

Sitting on the rich brown couch, cuddled together, were my parents. Laughing and smiling together without a care in the world. Totally unaware of their own child standing out in the rain. Soaked through the bones.

But they do know. They're watching from the corner of their eyes, seeing if you'll cry or not. The voice inside my head whispers. Doubt trickles through the cracks in my mind.

Turning sharply on my heels, I trudge back out on to the streets. Lamplights the only light to see the path in front of my feet. My waist length ink black hair cascading down my slender back as I stalk through the silent night, relishing in the fact that at least I don't have to listen to their shrill voices pound me to death.

Cold, lifeless, crimson orbs scan the surrounding area, taking everything in. The night was one of the darkness nights, with only the slight gleam of the moon and dull city lights.

"Oh, if it isn't little Korosu," a sneering voice jeers from the shadows, alerting me to some dumbass.

"Yo, jackwagon," I smirk emotionlessly, my eyes sliding over to where the guy was standing.

Small movements tell me he wasn't alone. "By the way how'd you get my name?" I tilt my head to the side in mock curiosity. It wasn't hard to learn my name. Not on the streets, that is.

"Your name's spoken quite highly by many," a different gruff voice answers this time.

"Oh, I bet, after all, no one around here's any good." I smile, pissing them off.

"You think you're so great?" The first voice sounds again, angrier this time.

"No, not really." I close my eyes, completely relying on my other senses.

Their footsteps ring out over the concreted ground, all coming in from different sides. By the sound of their footsteps I'd say there's about five. I muse inside my head.

Rushing them I swing a leg out into a roundhouse kick, connecting with the first guy and knocking him to the ground with a sickening crunch.

"Bitch!" One of his comrades shout, their eyes darkening with anger now.

I flip him the birdie before moving onto the next guy in my sights. I'm leaving the leader for the end.

Grinning sadistically, I flash behind the guy and kick his legs out from under him, watching him plump to the ground. When he lands I waste no time in kicking his stomach to knock the air out of him. Leaving the man stunned on the ground, I race over to a boy with curly brown hair. He looked a couple years older than me.

"There's no way to escape the Devil," I inform the boy in a whispery breath, leaving trails of shivers down his neck.

Not bothering to suppress my laughter, I dance behind and around him, enjoying the growing fear that was coming off him in waves. The delight was tangible. 

"Get away from him!" The first male snarls, throwing a knife at my head.

Dodging with ease, I shimmy away from the curly haired boy and over to stand in front of the man who had yelled at me just now.

"Now why would I do that? Does he mean something to you?" I question him, a sickening glint in my eyes- showing just how demented I was.

"N-no," the male stutters, his voice cracking in the end.

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