The joys of walking and being attacked

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  Leaning beside a tree I stare into Seikan's brown eyes; curious brown meeting sparkling crimson ones. Clearing of the throat tells me that Sasuke is here along with Kakashi and the drunken fart.

"Hello Korosu," Kakashi greets me merrily. I tilt my head to the side as I stare up at him blankly.

Why was he so cheerful? Cheerful people are irritating...

"There's not really a reason to be cheerful if I'm not feeling good." I say in a 'duh' tone, causing Kakashi to smile forcibly. 

"I suppose you could look at it like that," Kakashi agrees before turning to talk to the drunk man (I haven't bothered to learn his name yet since he's an old drunk, could blame a girl?).

"I do look at it like that," I agree, petting Seikan's head, his fur soft beneath my fingertips.

"What the hell is that thing?" Drunk man points a finger at Seikan with a distain look in his eyes.

"He is not a thing," I growl dangerously, snapping my head up with smoldering eyes. "Seikan is not a thing. If he was, you would be a piece of shit." I continue with a cold smile. Drunk man stumbles backwards, shock etched in his features, his eyes remaining glued to the icy mask settled over the dark haired girl's features.

"Remind me not to talk to this one," He mumbles under his breath.

I tilt my head to the side in agreement. I didn't like him and I was making it known. I stand to my feet, straightening my spine. I lean in close, "Also, you might want to tell them soon," I whisper in his ear as I walk past them and over to the now approaching Sakura.

Don't be too mean on him, A voice whispers inside my head, humor evident. I growl low in my throat, looking around I feel the hairs on my neck start to stand on end. You can't see me, but I will save you when you are in danger. The voice ends, leaving as soon as it had come. Completely and utterly leaving me in confusion.

"Koro-chan, is something wrong?" Sakura peers into my eyes as she leans down.

Blinking one, twice, three times I finally shake my head 'no'. 

"Okay. Just let me know if something's bothering you." She grins happily as she ignores Whiskers beside her, her green eyes as much mischievous as annoyed.

"Yeah okay," I answer, but my mind was somewhere else. What was that voice in my head just now? It seemed to know who I am?


Grinning sharply I swerve to the side when I see a puddle. It was a sunny day and here lays a puddle? Fishy, no?

This is way to easy. I smirk inside my head as I jump into the puddle, spraying water everywhere. Giggling, I give a wink down at the puddle- letting them know that I knew what they are- before catching back up with the rest of the team.

"You noticed?" Kakashi questions, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"Of course, I'm not stupid, moron," I scoff tossing my hair over my shoulder, making Seikan sneeze from behind me.


"YOU THINK I'M STUPID?" I scream, throwing my hands in the air in disbelief. This guy!

"Now I never said that," Kakashi sweat drops and moves slightly away from me.

"Just know you're on my shit list, just be careful..." I warn him before laughing and jumping and swinging my arm around Sakura's shoulder. "Miss me?" Childishly I giggle into her ear, Seikan yips cutely from beside me.

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