Answer to the lost hand

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  I like my lips and try to swallow away the dryness coating my throat and tongue. Nervous butterflies swarm insider my stomach and cause my palm to sweat. I had my kimono hanging over my right hand so no one would noticed my missing hand, but I wasn't quite sure yet on how I was going to win against my opponent.

Sasuke was on my left, promptly ignoring me and my sideway glances. Naruto, though, was on my other side and wouldn't shut up (I may love the boy, but my ears loved the silence even more).

"Hey, Koro-chan?" Naruto whispers in my ear. "What happened to your hand?"

Surprised and shocked, I splutter for a response, but Sasuke saves me. "She got it bruised so she's hiding it. No sense in giving away a weakness, dobe."

"I'm not an idiot, teme! Dattebayo!" Naruto shouts and aims for Sasuke.

Sighing in annoyance, I pin him against the railing and whisper in his ear. "Please don't start, Whiskers. I'm not in the mood and your shouting isn't helping non."

"Sorry, Koro-chan." He hangs his head.

Smiling sadly, I ruffle his hair and shake my head. "Don't do it again, m'kay?" I had let my temper get the better of me again.

He nods back, a bright smile lighting up his features. "'Course, Koro-chan."

Sasuke sighs loudly, his dark eyes closing as he calms himself. He'd been watching his dark haired companion and worry had began to set in. Her hand had only recently been cut off, how was she supposed up do jutsus?

"Don't worry about me, Sasuke." I smirk, but my eyes remain serious.

"Tch." He flicks my forehead. "I'm not worried about you, baka."

I laugh, red eyes sparkling as I stick my tongue out. "I'll be right back, there's something I want to take care of."

Sasuke sighs as I leave his side, black hair swaying behind my frail figure.

I make my way through the ranks of bleachers, keeping my eyes straightforwards and away from other people. I had someone on my mind, someone I had to find.

"Ko-chan!" Usagi's soft call of my name turns me around.

"Ah, Usagi, I was looking for you." I smile thinly, red eyes twitching.

Usagi stops, slowly backing away. "Look, Ko-chan, whatever happened it wasn't my fault."

"Oh, then when I woke up and saw the clothes beside my bed. Those weren't from you? Because, I'm pretty sure the people said a boy with white-blonde hair and dark eyes came by and dropped them off." My red eyes flash dangerously.

He gulps and scrambles for an explanation. Coming up with nothing he lowers his eyes and swallows.
"Those were the only things remotely cute enough for you."

"I DON'T WEAR PINK!!" I snap loudly, startling the people around us.

Blushing madly, I lower my voice and bring Usagi closer to me- causing the other people around us to blush at our closeness. This wasn't anything romantic. I was about to kick his ass. "Next time bring a black kimono for me to wear! I had to order one from the people."

"Ah. Haha, whoops." Usagi scratches the back of his head sheepishly.

"Yeah, whoops!" I snarl, releasing him from my hold.

"Sorry, Ko-chan." He smiles weakly, worried I might pass out if my anger gets the best of me. Did I really look that pale?

"It's fine, I'm just trying to figure out how I'm going to win with one damn hand."

Usagi narrows his eyes and puckers his lips in concentration. "What if I make you a wooden hand?"

My eyes widen in shock. "You could do that for me?"

"Sure, give me twenty minutest. It'll be a crude one since I have a small amount of time."

"That's fine, at least you came up with something." I grin.

Usagi rolls his eyes and leaves me to myself as he hurries to where Tali was waiting for him.

"Is she doing okay?" Tali questions worriedly, her eyes tracing back to where I stood.

"She's doing fine, but I worry for her." Usagi frowns and also studies me, his childhood friend.

"She lost her hand and she's not even sweating."

"She's cursed by the Devil, losing her hand is only a small worry to her." He shakes his head and bites his thumbnail.

"My heart goes out to that girl."

"Whether your heart goes out to her or not, Matsu still hasn't shown himself to her."

"What's wrong with your brother?"

"I wouldn't be able to tell you even if I knew."


Small and a useless chapter, but at least my brain came up with something this small for this book! Sorry if no one likes the update >__<



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