Cow Man and A Night with Kasai

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Snarling in frustration, I barrel out of the woods and into a clearing. Standing there before me was a cow man and my 'team'.

"... YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD!" I shriek, throwing a kunai at each team member, narrowly missing the side of their faces'.

"We just wanted you to get some more sleep!" Sakura protests, smiling weakly.

"Whatever," I scoff, petting Seikan's head as I ignore them and the strange man standing opposite them. "Hi Man-hands," I wave cheerily with a cheeky grin. At this point I preferred him over my teammates.

"I am not Man-Hands!" Cow man shouts back, anger turning his cheeks red.

How adorable.

"If you say so," I nod my head, only causing him to get more irritated with me than he already was. Snorting in surprise, I leap high in the air when Seikan runs his tongue over my left cheek.

"Ekk!" I squeal, limbs going everywhere. Sasuke holds back a small chuckle while Sakura giggles. They think this is funny. How funny would a kunai in their skulls be?

"Is she okay?" The strand man questions, directing his statement to Kakashi.

Weren't they enemies?

"To tell you the truth no- no I'm not sure if she is." Kakashi answers back honestly, dodging the kunai I threw at him.

While I was busy shouting harsh curse words at Kakashi, the strange man took it as an opportunity to try and attack me. I vanish right as he appears behind me, my image flickering before disappearing all together.

"What the hell?" he stumbles, his power sending him skidding a few steps closer to where I had reappeared.

"Don't get too cocky," I grin sharply, reappearing in front of him with dangerous glinting eyes. "If you're not careful you might end up dead one of these days." My smile turns sadistic.

"Shut the hell up kid," the man shakes his head as he takes another swing at me.

"I would if I could," I agree, irking him even further than I had already succeeded in doing so. "I was born to fight," I add, gaze getting a far-off look about then. Realizing that I was in a middle of a battle, I snap out of it with enough time to hold up my arms before the man's leg shot out at me, sending me crashing into the opposite tree.

"Damn, that's going to leave a bruise," I growl, sliding down the tree, landing with a small thud.

I stand back up, leaning heavily on the tree for support. I glare in anger at the man, his cow styled clothes taunting me as he slowly walked to where I swayed. I was not going down without a fight, but my body had another idea. I slump forward, gravity taking me down and right before my eyes closed I felt a strong arm snake around my waist and catch me before I hit the ground.

My eyes flicker open for a split second and I take in Sasuke's dark expression, an unreadable look in his onyx eyes. It looked as if he cared?

Guess I hit harder than I'd thought? I thought hazily before everything went dark.

I hadn't even been able to skin that strange man...

~~~~~~After the fight~~~~

"Koro-chan, it's time to snap out of it." Naruto shakes me gently awake, causing me to groan in protest. My head was killing me!

"What happened?" I place a soothing hand against my forehead in hopes of easing the pounding that was going on in there. It was as if a hammer was driving a nail straight into my head.

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