Since I'm pretty much an open book, and i'm always down for a challenge, I say "Okay, you ask first."

As I'm pouring our next tequila shots, he asks me "So, are one of those boys that were hugging you your boyfriend?"
"No, I don't have a boyfriend. Liam and Cole have been my best friends since sophomore year of high school."
We drink.
"Your turn" he says with a smile.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" I ask because I genuinely wondered if he was single or not.
We take a jell-o shot now.
"Do you know who I am?" he sincerely asks me.
"Yes, I do. You're Shawn Mendes." I say. He nods his head.

I say "So, what's it like, being you? Do you like all of the attention you get?"
"I love my job. I love performing and meeting people from all around the world. It's so much fun, but sometimes I feel like my personal life is invaded by my fans. I get that they want to feel that they know me, but sometimes it's just overwhelming. That's why I love going on trips like this. I can just party with my friends all night and not be bothered by fans."

"I get that. I would love to have your life, but at the same time, there's so many things like my private life that i don't know if i would be willing to sacrifice."
"What are the other things you don't know if you could sacrifice, besides your privacy?" he asks me casually.

"Well, for starters, I have a full soccer scholarship. Playing college soccer has been a dream of mine since like middle school. So, I worked my ass off all of high school to get noticed, and it worked. Soccer is my passion, and I'm not willing to ever give that up. Another thing is that I would always be away from my family and friends. They are always there for me and they have helped me be the person I am today, I could never give them up."
"I get that. It's a struggle to not get to see my family and friends all the time, but performing is my passion. It's what I love to do. Like how soccer is your passion, I could never give up my music" he says.
We soon ditch the party and start walking along the beach.

"Okay, I want to know about you. I want to know who you are. Tell me your story" Shawn says.
"My story?" I ask.
"Yes, like your hopes and dreams, your favorite movie, favorite song, everything about you and your life."

"Okay, only if you tell me the exact same thing" I say with a little smile.
"Deal" he smiles back.

Soon, we get lost in conversation as we walk along the beach, our feet touching the water as the waves come up.
It's gets pretty late, and we both are tired, so we end up at my beach cabin.

I suddenly get these butterflies in my stomach when he smiles at me, I get this nervous sensation through my body when he looks me in the eyes. His dark chocolate brown eyes meet mine, and I feel my face getting hot as he says "Hey, I think there's one more question I can think of for tonight."

"Okay, ask away."
"What is your biggest fear?"
My fear right now is that I'm starting to have feelings for a guy I just met.
Then I start to think about the rule of this game we're playing. He said that if I refuse to answer a question he gets to tell me who I have to kiss. The thing is, there's no one around but me and him, so I will get to kiss him.

"Hmm, I refuse to answer that question."
He looks confused as I say that, but then a look of realization crosses his face.
"Well then, let me see who you're kissing tonight."

He looks around and sees that no one is there.

"There's no one around, so I guess you're gonna have to kiss me." he says with the biggest grin on his face.
"Don't sound so disappointed" I say with a laugh.
"I'm only doing this because of the rules of the game."
"I know you want to, you're totally into me" I say with a smirk coming across my lips.
He pushes me up against the cabin door and whispers in my ear "I'm totally into you."

With his face super close to mine, we look at each other for what seems like forever.
I can't take it anymore. I have to kiss him.
Soon, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. As I lean in to kiss him, he teasingly pulls out of the way with a smirk. He knows I want this badly, and it's killing me that my lips aren't touching his right now.

I frown, knowing he sees me, and he leans down and starts to kiss my collar bone. He starts to move up to my neck and lightly kisses it just right to make me go crazy.

He looks me in the eyes and then leans in to kiss me.
Our lips finally touch after what seemed like hours, and it was the best kiss I have had in a while. His lips were so soft, and he knew just how to make it perfect.
My hands end up tangled in his soft curls while his hands are on my waist as we finally pull apart breathless.

He looks down at me as says "When can I see you again?"
He asks me for my phone number and I put it in his phone.
"Goodnight" he says as he's walking off.
After he took a few steps, he turned back around to look at me, and waved goodbye.
Nights like this are the best.

hey guys! i hope you all liked this chapter! it started out better but then i was editing it and it deleted everything for some reason. i was so mad because i worked so hard on it, but this one is okay too.
please comment and vote!
-taylor xoxo

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