chapter four | bittersweet.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"As I was saying, things seem to be going smoothly for this adoption, so I see no reason to wait any longer. Everything's been cleared by CPS and TPR, so by the authority of the state of Maine and the city of Portland, I hereby give Mr. Parker full custody of Mason Carter, in effect tomorrow morning at nine o'clock."

I gaze over and see Owen smiling at Mason, who's giggling with these captivated, beady little eyes. Things really are going smoothly—for them, at least. They must've clicked fast, because they already seem so perfect together. They almost look alike if you stare long enough and ignore my brother's bright blonde hair.

I will be forgotten.

"Ramona Carter will remain in the temporary custody of Marta and Allen Shay," she reads dismissively.

Yeah, no need to remind me.

"Also, a supervised visitation will be held every other Saturday at this courthouse between Mason and Ramona, beginning at one o'clock. The first visitation will be on Saturday, the 28th of January."

Judge what's-her-face flips through more papers on her podium until she finds the right one.

"And one last thing, the finalization date. Normally, I'd wait at least six months to do a finalization, but Mason is high-risk, so I'll move it up."


I glance over at Jean for an explanation, and she returns my look by mouthing the word 'later'. I slump back in my seat once I realize that no one is going to give me the information that I want.

The judge pauses for a moment.

"I'm setting the finalization date to Saturday, March 4th of this year."

That's only a little over a month away. I guess they really do want to get this adoption over with.

"Mr. Parker is to pick up Mason tomorrow morning at nine o'clock when he will have full custody. Am I clear, Mrs. Shay?"

Marta nods. "Yes, Your Honor."

"Alright, now are there any further questions before I close court?"

She looks around, but no one speaks.

"Court is adjourned."

She bangs her gavel twice and stands up, everyone else standing up with her and exiting through the big, wooden doors we entered from.

I find Jean as soon as possible and pull her aside from her conversation with one of the suit guys. She stares at me through pursed lips while we step into a side hallway behind the bathrooms.

"High-risk? What the hell does that mean?!"

Jean sighs and leans her round frame against the marble wall.

"It just means that he has a higher chance of..."

"Of what?"

"Y'know... growing up and getting in trouble with the police. Maybe doing drugs... just going down a dark path. The court doesn't want that for Mason, so they're speeding up the adoption."

I can't help but laugh.

"If that's what they consider 'high-risk' then every damn kid in the foster system should be high-risk. Hell, I should be high-risk."

She raises an eyebrow.

"You are. Ever since your little stunt with juvie you've been on the top of the list."

My smirk drops and a bit of self-awareness washes over me. If I've been top of the list, why has no one wanted me?

Who am I kidding—I'm sixteen. No one wants a kid this old. Absolutely no one.

Yours Truly, RamonaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ