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I wake up to Yoongi coming into the room.

"Yoongi." I question tiredly.

"Yeah." He says.

"Come lay down with me." I pat the bed.

"I just worked out I need to shower." He explains.

I sit up and turn on my lamp. I see him all sweaty.

"Let me shower and I'll cuddle with you." He says.

"Okay." I yawn.

He leans down and pecks my lips before going out of the room. I lay back down on my bed till Yoongi comes back. He goes over to his bed sitting down. He drys his hair with the towel.

"Yoongi." I whine.

He gets up and cuddles with me till I fall back asleep.


I wake up to Mr. Kim coming into the room. I just snuggle closer into Yoongis chest.

"Kids it's breakfast time." He says sitting a tray on my trunk before leaving.

Yoongis about to sit up but I pull him back down.

"No." I whine.

"Jimin you have to eat." He sits up.

"It's not that." I mumble.

I sit up.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Nothing." I pout.

"Jimin tell me." He says.

"It's fine." I say.

"Jimin you need to tell me." He lectures.

"I said it's fine just please drop it." I beg

"I'm not going drop it, Tell me." He says.

"I said it's fine just drop it." I grumble.

He reluctantly turns away and grabs our tray. He feeds me my oatmeal. Everything is fine till.

"Why won't you tell me?" He asks.

"I thought you'd just drop it." I mumble kinda annoyed.

"Yeah well I was wondering why you won't tell me." He continues.

"I said it's not important." I say.

"If it's not important why won't you tell me?" He asks.

"Because it's not important." I snap.

"Just tell me." He says.

"Just stop. I share my whole life with you and I just want one secret to myself and you just keep picking at it and picking at it!" I yell.

"If the secret is something that could hurt you then I think I should be able to know." He says.

"You know what." I stand up.

"What?" He asks.

I grab a sweatshirt and put it on.

"Jimin where are you going?" He asks grabbing my wrist.

I turn back to him. I pull my hand away from him. I take of the charm bracelet he got me off and put it in his hand. I turn and walk away.

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