He sat down on his bed a stared at his blank phone screen, waiting for something, anything to appear. As if by magic, a notification appeared, it was from Ferguson.

Ferguson- You coming down to the cafeteria now?

Marco- Sure, let me get Star and I'll be down.

Marco knocked on the bathroom door and waited for Star to answer, he heard the shower water turn off and the doorknob clicked.

"What's up?" Star emerged from the other side of the door, with a towel wrapped around her body and her hair was tied in a messy bun.

Marco blushed, "umm, I'm meeting Ferguson down at the cafeteria, you wanna come?"

"Sure, give me a minute!"


Marco and Star entered the cafeteria, Star immediately spotted their friends in the crowd of people, and they happily walked over to them.

"Hey guys," Ferguson said.

Katie and Jackie were sat next to him, chatting away and Alfonzo was working on his homework.

They both sat down.

"Whatcha doing?" Star said to Alfonzo as she got comfortable.

"Oh, I have this science project that's due in tomorrow and I have to finish it off," he picked up the piece of paper he was working on and showed Star.

She nodded and smiled and him, letting him continue with his work.

While Marco was talking to Katie, Jackie came over to Star and whispered in her ear, "Oskar wants to meet you in the courtyard at 3 today."

Star nodded and Jackie sat back down.

Marco looked at Star, he was confused about something but ignored it.

"I'll tell you later," Star whispered.

Marco nodded and turned back to Katie, who sniggered.

Star kicked her legs back and fourth under the table until Jackie got up and turned to leave, before turned back and mouthing the words 'don't forget' to Star. Katie followed her out.

"Marco, Oskar wants me to meet him outside at 3 today," Star turned to Marco nervously.

"Oh, can I come?" Marco smiled, "I'm joking? You should probably go, it's 2:45."

"Oh, yeah, thanks Marco, I'll see you around."

Marco nodded and waved to his blonde- headed friend.


Oskar was waiting outside on a bench, he was scrolling on his phone.

His eyes lit up when he saw her, "Oh hey, Star, I'm glad you showed, I thought Jackie wouldn't get the message to you."

Star took a seat next to him, "what's up?"

"I just wanted to talk to you," Oskar sighed, "about yesterday."

"What about it? Look, if it's because I danced with Marco, then I'm sorry, but he's only my friend, nothing more, nothing less."

Oskar nodded, "but I'm not particularly sure you feel the same way about me than I feel about you."

"Then tell me, and maybe I might, you don't know until you ask," Star shrugged.

"Star, I like you, a lot, but I'm not sure you feel the same, but I think you feel something for someone else," Oskar looked at his lap and drummed on the table.

Star gave him a confused look, "I-I don't like anyone at the moment, who are you talking about?"

"Marco, Star I know you like him, you don't have to hide it from me, I won't tell him," Oskar gave her genuine smile, it comforted Star, and reminded her she had some real friends in this universe.

"I don't like him, but thanks, Oskar," Star got up to leave.

"Wait! One more thing," Oskar got up and rushed over to her, he took her hands in his own and looked her dead in the eye, "I've wanted to do this since I first met you.

He leaned in gradually and shared a tender kiss with her.

Star smiled at him when they pulled away, "see you later, Oskar."


"Star! Star!" Marco caught up to Star in the corridor.

It was a dull Monday morning, and Star was getting some fresh air alone before class.

"Hey, Marco, what's up?" Star turned to him, he was panting, and red-faced.

"I was looking for you for ages, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"This weekend, in Jackie's room, we are all meeting up, I think we are gonna play some games to stop the weekend from being so boring, you wanna come?" Marco wiped his forehead as he regained his breath.

Star thought to herself, "sure, I'll come, will Oskar be there?"

"Yeah, I think so, but I'll talk to you at lunch, I have class now."

Star nodded and walked to her class, she saw Katie in her classroom and decided to sit next to her.

"Hey, Kate," Star smiled as she unpacked her things.

"Hey, Star, had a nice morning?" Katie greeted Star.

"Yeah, it's been pretty good, thanks, Katie."

Katie nodded and busied herself with tying her long red hair in a pony tail, she adjusted her glasses on her nose and faced the front sensibly.

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