"Hey, want to get going?" Ashton asked as he took out his wallet.

"Going where? What are yo- Ashton you can't pay, no. Not again." Stevie argued as she grabbed the money out of his hands. "No you're not paying, you didn't even eat this!"

"C'mon Stevie, it's $40, it's no big deal." Ashton argued as he tried to grab the money back from Stevie, she stuck it behind her back and his arms wrapped around her whilst trying to grab it.

"Ashton, let me pay OK. I'm going to stick the money down my pants. I swear I'll- Ashton!" Stevie scolded him as he got really close to touching her butt.

"Are you two done here?" Luke spoke up for the first time. Stevie hadn't even noticed he was standing there, she was too busy trying to convince Ashton not to pay she completely forgot about him.

Ashton and Stevie both broke apart almost instantly, somehow Ashton had managed to grab the money back from Stevie and placed it on the table.

Luke picked it right back up and handed it back to Ashton. "See while you two were feeling each other up I decided to pay the bill."

"We weren't, I wasn't." Stevie tried to argue back.

"Whatever, let's just get going." Luke said as he began to walk out of the cafe.

"Fuck." Ashton cursed.

"What?" Stevie asked as it was once again just the two of them, Luke was far ahead now.

"I don't know why Luke has to be such an asshole all the time but I guess me cock-blocking doesn't really help the situation." Ashton explained.

And whether Stevie wanted to or not she didn't deny that there wasn't something going on between her and Luke because there definitely was, she just didn't know if she was OK with it. She always thought she could possibly see herself with Luke but then he went off into those foul moods that totally turned her off of him.

"I know he was probably a dick but he is going through some stuff and I know he really likes you Stevie. Maybe you could give him another chance?" Ashton suggested, scratching the back of his head.

Stevie looked ahead at Luke who at the moment was turned around and staring them down. She instantly looked down at the ground not wanting to meet Luke's eyes anymore. She liked part of him she just didn't like all of him, not the angry and mean part of him.

"You know I'm totally surprised with you. Riley thought you had an interest in me but here you are trying to convince me to be wit-"

"I do have an interest in you." Ashton admitted and Stevie stopped walking. She looked up at Ashton with confusion, why would he be doing this? "But Luke got to you first, plus he needs someone like you in his life. He's had a rough few years and you're one of the only people besides the band who can make him laugh."

"If you keep saying things like this you're gonna make me wanna give you a chance instead of Luke." Stevie admitted because it was true. Ashton was being so selfless and Stevie loved that about people like that.

"Well then I wish I could continue, however, I'm getting a massive death glare from my blonde haired blue eyed friend. I'd better get going." Ashton said looking at Stevie.

"Thank you." Stevie said to him getting up on her tippy toes and kissing him on the cheek. She didn't know why she did it but her impulses told her it was the right thing to do.

"Bye!" He waved as he walked away with a big grin on his face.

Stevie jogged up to the spot where Luke had stopped and was just standing. She didn't know how she should start a conversation or if she should at all.

"Look I'm-" They both said at the same time.

"You go ahead." Luke said to Stevie.

"No, I think you should." Stevie said firmly.

"Ah, fuck." Luke began. "I don't even know what to say to you. Like I'm such an asshole."

"That's a good start." Stevie replied raising an eyebrow.

"OK, well I'm a huge asshole. And you're- you're just not. That's not what I meant to say." Luke scratched his forehead. Stevie could tell that Luke was still struggling with whatever he was trying to say. "Stevie, you're just so different then I thought you'd be. Like when I met you, I thought 'great I'm stuck next to an annoying girl who moves my stuff without asking' but now I just can't get over, I just can't get over how perfect you are."

Stevie stared at Luke the whole time he was saying this, she didn't know what to say in response.

"And I can't seem to get this right with you. I fuck everything up, I don't know why. I just do, that's me. I'm a fuck-up. And you aren't, I don't know why you're still standing here in front of me listening to me ramble because that's what you do to me. You make me so nervous that I ramble. And out of every girl I've ever met I don't know why I feel such a strong attachment to you, but I do and I can't help it. I want to because I don't deserve someone half as perfect as you. Stevie-"

"Shh it's OK." Stevie spoke up finally grabbing both of his hands. He had started shaking and a few tears managed to escape his eyes and this was totally new and unexpected for Stevie. She never thought she'd ever see Luke cry. "You're not a fuck-up Luke."

Luke chuckled a bit and wondered if that was the only thing that she picked up out of his entire speech.

"And I'm definitely no where close to being perfect, no one is. And that's what's so great. We're all a little bit crazy and messed up in the head but that makes us human. It means that we have faults, but we can live with those faults because they make us who we are." Stevie told him. "I think you're an amazing person Luke, I think you're also a bit stubborn and feisty but nevertheless amazing."

Stevie was saying all of this to Luke's chest as somewhere in the conversation he pulled her closer to him.

"You've only known me for about 24 hours." Luke noted.

"There's still have 3 more days or 4 if you count Monday." Stevie reminded him.

"If that means a day more with you then I'm definitely counting Monday." Luke wiggled her eyebrows at her.

"That's so cheesy." Stevie told him.

"I know." He said kissing the top of her head.


I love Ashton in this story more than Luke ughhhh

Woah idk this was a rando chapter bc I felt like writing mushy shit, anyways ya I'm watching "did you hear about the morgans" bc hugh grant is my #2 bae obviously next to leo so ya lol hope u enjoy this and I haven't edited it yet so feel free to point out errors

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