RM (sad)

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You sat in your apartment and looked out on the dark clouds. They made the whole city seem grey and you could see people rush to get inside before the rain would fall. You were wrapped in a blanket, tears escaping your eyes every now and then. Why did I have to be so hard on him? Your thoughts were running wild and more tears escaped your eyes. You pulled the blanket closer to yourself and choked down a sob as you once more played the whole thing in your head.

You were sitting on your boyfriend Namjoon's bed, arms and legs crossed waiting impatiently. He had said he would be home a half hour ago and you would grab dinner together. Of course he was late. He always was. Your one year and half relationship had taught you that much.
The last month it had filled you up. He had become busier, with the success BTS had gotten which was great for them. Though it had put a strain on your relationship and you were sick of it. The phone calls you were promised but never got, the middle of the night texts apologizing, the seeing him twice a week where he showed up late. It hurt and you weren't going to take it anymore.
Forty minutes later the door finally opened and in rushed Namjoon.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I was working and I forgot the time." He quickly said and you tighten your lips. The same thing every time.

"Yeah I figured." You said in a cold voice and stood up as he sat down. You didn't need his warm arms around you.

"I'm really sorry, I know it's not fair." He apologized again.

"No Namjoon it really isn't! Yet it happens time after time!" You said unexpectedly raising your voice. His eyes dropped as he sat on the bed. "I am sick of it. I'm your girlfriend and I deserve better than your half-assed attempts to be a good boyfriend." You really didn't mean to be so hard on him but the words were falling out of you and you weren't able to stop them.

"I know you do." His voice sounded quiet and you noticed a tear falling down on his lap, creating a little dark spot on his jeans.

"Then why do you do it?" You crossed your arms and felt the anger and hurt flow through you. "I get that BTS means the world to you and you have no idea how fucking proud I am of you, but I need more than this. I want more. I don't want to be valued less than your carrier, I want to be valued the same or more! I'm never going to ask you to give up BTS, but I am going to tell you that if you don't step up and start calling when you tell me you will and show up on time or even just spend more time with me...then I'm done." Tears were now streaming down his face and it broke your heart to see him like that, though you still thought you had a point.

"I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry I'm not better. But I really do love you (y/n)." Namjoon's voice was shaking and mushy. You were fighting with your own tears now, the lump in your throat making it hard.

"I love you too Namjoon but like I said, I deserve a better treatment and until you can give me one, I'm going home." You said and grabbed your bag. He didn't stop you, he didn't even try. You only just made it out in the cab before the tears came rushing down your cheeks.

It was now four days later and he hadn't contacted you yet. You were losing hope that he ever would.
The rain had started to pour down outside and you made a small wish that it would wash away your pain. Of course it didn't. Thunder sounded outside and you curled yourself up even more. You closed your eyes and heard a sound which you first thought was thunder, though as it sounded again you realised someone was knocking at your door. You got up to open it with a hopeful heart. You couldn't help the little curl upwards your lips made as you saw Namjoon. His eyes were puffy and his hair was dripping with water together with his clothes.

"Hey." He said in a quiet voice.

"Hey. Come on in." You said and stepped aside. He was shivering slightly and you frowned. "You need to change. Go to the bathroom and dry up, I'll find you some clothes." You said and he did as you told him. You found some clothes of his and knocked on the door to give it to him. He stuck a hand out and you laid it in his hand. Then you went to the kitchen and made tea for you both.
A moment later he came out. He clearly was uncertain how to act and he fiddled with one of his rings. You felt slightly awkward yourself. Seeing him like this made you want to run to him. To hold him and kiss him, telling him everything would be okay though you stood still.
None of you said anything as you waited for the tea. When it was done you lead him to the couch.


"I-" you both started on the same time. "Sorry you first." You said and sipped the way too hot tea.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about the way I've treated you and you deserve better. But I'm not ready to give up on us, so I'm going to do better. I just want a chance to show that." Namjoon said and sounded like he had given it a lot of thought.

"I was way too hard on you." You said and put the cup down. "I'm sorry about that. I should have just sat down and talked to you, not yelled at you like that. I've really missed you so of course I'll give you a chance. Namjoon I love you so much and I know you love me as well. I just want to feel that." You explained, feeling the need to give him an apology.

"Honestly I get it and I do really love you." Namjoon said and seemed braver as he grabbed your hands. "So you'll give me another chance?" You couldn't help but smile, his eyes were shining and his hands warm. Exactly the way you knew him.

"Of course Joonie and I'll be more patient. We'll both put more effort in our relationship." He smiled and moved closer, embracing you in a hug. You hugged back burying you face in his chest, taking his scent in. After a moment you pulled apart only for your lips to meet in a sweet kiss. You felt like something in you shined as he held you tenderly. When you moved away, he rested his forehead against yours.

"I love you so much beautiful." Namjoon whispered.

"I love you too handsome." You whispered back and you perked his lips.

"Can I just spend the rest of the day here? He asked and you laughed lightly.

"Of course babe." You said before cuddling up with him on the couch. You started on your favorite Netflix show and spend the most lovely day together, both of you feeling much better and feeling the love you had for each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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