J-Hope (sweet)

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You sat in the BTS practise room. Crying. You hadn't bothered to turn on the lights. You had just found out your boyfriend had been cheating on you. You were suppose to meet up with your brother Namjoon but you couldn't face him and his friends right now. You had your legs pressed up against your chest, when someone came in and started to play some slow song. You looked up to see one of Namjoons friends that you regonised as J-Hope. You didn't really know what to do but before you could even think of something to do he gave out a high pitched noise.

"(y/n)? What are you doing here? Are you crying?" He walked over to you and sat down in front of you. You didn't really know him that well but he always seemed nice.

"No. I'm sorry I'll leave." You said as you started to get up. He put a hand on your knee.

"Please stay. Namjoon will kill me if I let you go sad." He looked worried even though he didn't know you that well. You couldn't take his worried look so you busted into tears again. He quickly moved to your side and put an arm around you, you put your head on his shoulder, not caring that he saw you like this. After you had quiet down a bit, you took a shaky breath and said:

"Is my boyfriend, I just found out he's cheating on me," You said looking down. J-Hope didn't say anything and you wondered if you had actsually said it. You looked at him, it looked like he was thinking hard. "What are you thinking about?" You asked him.

"First of all I like to say I'm sorry," He said with sympathy "Second. I'm trying to figure out how someone would cheat on an amazing girl like you. Third. I'm trying to think of a way to stop Namjoon for killing him. I mean I could go over there and beat him so it won't be so bad, or I could just let it happen. I don't know what do you prefer?" You couldn't help but laugh at his silliness, he defently made you feel a bit better.

"Maybe you should do it together?" You said.

"Maybe we should," He said grinning. Silence fell between you. After a while he got up, the slow music was still playing in the background. He gave you a hand and helped you up. "Dance with me. Dancing makes you forget." He said and slowly started to dance with you. His hand on your lower back and the other in your hand. You weren't really that good at dancing so your whole body tensed.

"I'm not good at dancing." You said shyly.

"It dosn't matter. Just relax your body and follow me." You did as he said and it was actsually easy when you let him control. Though you kept your eyes glued to your feet to make sure you weren't gonna step on his toes. After a while he took his hand and put it under your chin to make you look at him. "You don't need to look down, I think you got it." He whispered and noticed how charming he was. You also got very self aware of how you looked.

"I probably look terrible." You hadn't meant for him to hear but he did.

"You look beautiful." He said and you could feel his breath on your face. You blushed and cursed at yourself in your head. Your heart was beating faster than it should. Could you calm down? You said to yourself. Suddenly you heard voices and it sounded like Namjoon, you quickly moved away from J-Hope, you didn't want it to be awkward. The door opened and you saw Namjoon and the rest of his friends coming in.

"(y/n)? What are you doing here? Have you been crying?" He hurried over to you, looking worried. He was always really protected of you.

"Yeah," You said once again shy because all the boys were looking at you. "Um my boyfriend, my ex-boyfriend," You corrected yourself with a bitter voice "I found out he was cheating on me." Namjoons face turned from worry to anger.

"I'm gonna kill that guy!" He said angry and you couldn't help but smile and look over on J-Hope who was grinning back. "Wait. Why are you smiling?" He asked confused. You just shook your head and looked at him.

"He's not worth anyones time." You said. Namjoon was clearly still confused but pulled you into a brotherly hug. You hugged back and promised yourself to drop by more often.

Short imagines with BTS (smut/sweet)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt