Yoongi (request)

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This was requested by IAM_KXNG I apologize as it became really long ^.^

Nyeelah looked at the clock, hanging on the wall of the library. It felt like the seconds dragged by as she waited for Yoongi. He was supposed to be there five minutes ago, but with his reputation as the school bad boy, he probably thought everyone would cut him some slack. Either that or he was caught up flirting with someone in the hall. He also had that rumor.
Yoongi the bad boy, who flirted with everyone.
Neeylah sighed, she was suppose to tutor him in math, seeing that he wasn't doing so good and she was quite good at it, their teacher had paired them up.
She sighing looked at the clock again, it looked like the first thing, they would need to go over, was how to tell time.
Another five minutes passed by and finally Yoongi's slim confident figure walked through the door.

"Hey Nyeelah." He said casually and sat down next to her.

"That's all I get? No 'I'm sorry I'm late' just a 'Hey Nyeelah?" She said crossing her arms and giving him, a look she hoped seemed annoyed despite what she was really feeling.
In fact her heart was beating crazily and she felt her palms getting sweaty. She had had a crush on Yoongi, for the longest time. With his gummy smile, his bad boy attitude and his way with words, he could be anyone's dream.

"I'm only like ten minutes late though." Yoongi said and took out his things.

"Still, we said we would start at 3." She insisted.

"Fine." He sighed and turned his body against hers. It took her off guard as he looked into her eyes. "Nyeelah I'm sorry I'm late. It won't happy again." He said in a genuine tone. Nyeelah could feel a blush rise in her cheeks and turned to look at the book, there was open in front of her.

"Whatever, let's just get started." She said in a shy tone, though Yoongi didn't move. "What? The bad boy is out of words?" She said a bit more confident now that her cheeks weren't burning anymore.

"No. I was just admiring how beautiful you look." Yoongi said which made her cheeks burn again. He probably said that to everyone.

"Let's get started." She said in an attempt to move the attention away from herself. Finally Yoongi looked at the book and they started the tutoring.
A hour and fifteen minutes later they were done. Yoongi seemed to understand most of it and there had been no more episodes of Yoongi making her blush.

"Okay, great! I'll see you tomorrow." Yoongi said as he put his backpack on.

"Yeah see you. At 3 sharp." Nyeelah said and earned a smirk from Yoongi before he left. Nyeelah gathered her own things and went out the door smiling to herself.
It was five minutes past three the next day and Yoongi hadn't showed up yet. Nyeelah sighed to herself, what could she really expect from the schools's bad boy.
Two minutes later he came strolling in, placing himself lazily in the chair next to her.

"Well hello Yoongi, nice of you to show up." Nyeelah said looking over at Yoongi who were finding his things.

"I know I'm late and I'm sorry." Yoongi said and put his things on the desk before turning to face Nyeelah. "How can I make it up to you?" Nyeelah could think of a few things, he could do but couldn't say them out loud, without exposing her major crush.

"Nothing. Just come on time from now on." Nyeelah said, trying to keep the blush from showing.

"You sure there isn't anything? I mean I could give you a kiss on the cheek." Yoongi said and Nyeelah jaw felt slighty.

"Yoongi!" She exclaimed.

"You don't want it?" Yoongi asked and pouted. Nyeelah had no clue what to say to Yoongi. Of course she wanted it but she couldn't just say that. Not when it was him. The bad boy who shamelessly flirted with everyone.

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