She could feel the dome was starting to disappear on the edges as almost all the merpeople with and without tails disappeared under the water, Naida had nodded towards Perci in thanks, before following the rest of her people. Perci dropped her hands exhausted as everyone had left. John had bled out, and sadly, there was nothing they could do for him. The witch hopped that she had given them enough time, to escape, to plan, and to retaliate.

Suddenly Corpse appeared in front of her, his normal creepy grin gone. And suddenly Perci wished for it to come back, he looked positively frightening. His green and white hair stood on its ends, his eyes smoked white, his lips were pulled back into a snarl, and the red lipstick looked like blood. Perci could feel magic resonating from him. He growled, "why must you ruin everything you touch?!"

He launched forward, tackling her to the ground, and yet, instead of her hitting the floor. The witch felt Corpse through them through a portal, the last thing she could see from the water planet, was great thrives of soldiers piling out of the spaceships to fight the nymphs who rose to destroy them, who rose with the water as they used it to its epitome.

As they continued to fall all Perci was able to catch was that they were in some world made entirely out of... whiteness.

Suddenly Corpse shoved her as they fell, causing Perci to cry out as she hit the ground with an imaginable speed, causing a crater to form, she cried out in pain again as her body was thrown again.

Corpse yelled, "who do you think you are daughter of Neptune! How dare you come here! I have sacrificed everything to reach what I have!"

"How do you know who I am? And who the hades are you?"

"I smelt it on you," Corpse stalked forward as Perci tried to scramble away from him, "it was hidden on you because of your blessing! But I knew! I knew! For I was also cursed by it!"

"Where are we?" Perci tried to stall, she wondered what he meant by cursed.

He giggled, "a realm of nothing, I can create anything! I am god here! And soon I will be everywhere in the universe!" 


"What-" he tried to make sense of her words but it was too late as a large maze rose around them, he growled, "you can run, you can hide, but I will find you first girly! I have had this magic for longer than you!"

From somewhere in the maze, Perci yelled back, "Who are you?"

"I am the son of Mors! The god of death!" Corpse growled as he jumped around another corner, not finding anything.

"Isn't that a girl?" Perci shook her head as she jumped away from another blast of his white energy, that slowly seemed to be turning the same colour as hers, black.

This was a living nightmare as the played a game of cat and mouse- nightmare... Wait- Perci thought trying to remember what Elder Maganizi had told her long ago after she escaped the green Rhinos. Suddenly it hit her, an image flashed in her head as she remembered how the elder creepily stared at her and sprouted quotes, 'sometimes you got to play the role of the fool, to fool the fool who's trying to fool you.'

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