Cap'n Cuttlefish and DJ Octavio

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The sun had long set in Inkopolis. Cap'n Cuttlefish watching over DJ Octavio in his snow globe as he knew his granddaughters had a live show after Off the Hook. He wanted to make sure that there was no trouble, although he knew Agents 3, 4 and 8 were always there if needed. The faint laser lights could be seen from Tentakeel Outpost, the lights changing from white and cyan to pink and green. Cap'n knew that it would be his granddaughters, making him smile on how far they have come. Not as many people knew who the Squid Sisters were anymore, but they still had live shows every now and then, where many inklings, and recently Octolings would turn up and listen to them.

"Y'know. Octolings should have won the Great Turf War. We would have a lot better music." Cap'n Cuttlefish turns his head sharply, glancing a look at Octavio, he starts to find words to make it sound better towards Cap'n Cuttlefish, but he couldn't, so he spoke his mind.
"No no no, Squid Sisters have just ruined great music. They're just as mainstream as everyone else. Other music, like Octoling music is great... And don't say that because one half of Off the Hook is Octoling that their music is good. Don't associate us with that music slaughtering traitor." The DJ rants to Cap'n.
"Do you want me to get Squid Sisters to perform one of your songs so it can become popular?" Cap'n Cuttlefish suggests.
"And allow the enemy race to butcher one of my awesome songs?" He scoffs and starts to laugh. "I'd rather not."
"Suit yourself, you ungrateful octo."

Cuttlefish lifts the top of his walking cane - but only the Agents and Octavio knew that it was a Bamboozler - to reveal a cigar. He pulls it out and grabs a match from the other end of the handle, he lights the cigar and hangs it in his mouth. The old man starts thinking to himself, and how maybe Octavio is right. He decides to grab a wasabi stick from the side and opens the top of the snow globe, dropping it through the small hole that just about slotted the 'wasabi' stick through.
"Just because I know you like them." Cap'n Cuttlefish chuckles, watching DJ Octavio consume part of the wasabi stick, knowing how it makes him. The Capp'n takes another drag of his cigar.

"I know what you mean, Octavio. Some music nowadays has gone downhill. It is It would be good to hear something different." Cap'n Cuttlefish starts to speak.
"Shut the fuck up, Craig, you just don't want to get on the bad side of me. I know it." Another moment of silence occurs, Cap'n Cuttlefish takes a long, hard drag out of his cigar. Before thinking of something. He stands up and walks to the snow globe. Opening the top of it and grabbing a wasabi stick from the side, dropping it in for Octavio.
"That's all you can get. I'm not letting you out like last time. Because you went on to squidnap my granddaughter." Cuttlefish tells the Octo in the snow globe.
"Your fault you were eating biscuits and weren't looking at what I was doing. Octolings are smarter than you think Craig." Octavio chuckles to himself, watching the old inkling starting to get annoyed at him.
"Fuck you." Craig looks away.
"Haha, yeah. Love you too." The octoling jokingly says, his 'wasabi sticks' slowly taking effect.

"Why did you take Callie, by the way? Out of all of the inklings, you took Callie." Cap'n Cuttlefish lightly hits the glass globe, slightly startling the octoling inside.
"Well, I wanted attention, and no one was giving it to me. And she's pretty easy to persuade. Stupid just like her Grandpa." Octavio laughs, as if he's hiding something.
"I know you're attention seeking, but why my granddaughter?" Cuttlefish starts to think of reasons why, his head travelling to a place that surely couldn't be the right answer.
"Because the Squid Sisters are popular and because Marie was more popular, it was easy to get Callie on board and public recognition" Cap'n laughs at Octavio's response.
"I call bullshit. Just say the truth." Cap'n didn't know what to expect, although he thought on what the next answer could be.
"I just wanted to get closer to you, alright old man? You seem pretty chill for someone who's threatened your race twice." Octavio speaks, the 'wasabi' sticks taking full effect.
"Calm it Octavio, do you not remember the good ol' days? When music was good and you wouldn't be judged on what weapons you have, or how 'fresh' you are. You were seen as who you were, when we all lived in harmony." Craig chuckles and lightly blushes. "And when we had that thing?"
"I don't know what you're on about, Craig. I just remember the not-so-bad music we had then." The lights from the concert go off, Craig looks in disappointment.
"What, it was annoying me so I got some of my friends to take a zapfish from powering the concert." Octavio chuckles.

"Well, since we have nothing better to do. Wanna look back on old times?" Capp'n Cuttlefish asks the red octoling in a snowglode.
"Sure thing, old man. What do you wanna remember?" Octavio asks.


"Hey, uh. Craig, is it? I heard you rapping the other day on the street. I thought it sounded pretty cool." Octavio tapped Cap'n Cuttlefish on the shoulder. Causing the young squid to turn around and see who it is. Making him blush.
"Thanks, I just do it as a little hobby."Craig looks down at his feet and starts to walk off.
"I'm into music too, I want to become a DJ one day." Octavio pipes up. "And I was, uh. Wondering if you wanted to record some rapping for me? If not, that's completely fine." Octavio starts to speak quicker, Cuttlefish needing to cut in to make him stop.
"Yeah, that sounds great. I have time now if you want to start recording straight away." Craig starts to blush, he has never rapped in front of someone like this before, especially being recorded.

Some time passes, as the Octvio records and remixes the rap that Craig has provided on the small microphone set that Octavio set up.
"That's great, thanks Craig!" Octavio tells his new friend.

"Ah yes, the first day we met, I forgot about that. All I can remember was after we made that and kept meeting up." Cap'n Cuttlefish explains, starting to laugh. The old squid takes another drag from his cigar and laughs a bit more. "Remember that time when we told each other our rapper names?" DJ Octavio consume more if his wasabi stick and laughs along with his friend.
"Yes! That was a funny day."

"So what's your rapper name?" The Octoling DJ asks his friend. Craig looks him in the eyes, grabs the nearest mic by the small set up, that Octavio owns and produces music with.
"Peace Pops" Craig bends his legs slightly and does the peace sign, creating an awkward stance, that just made the seriousness of what Craig saw it as, as more of a comedic act. Octavio stands behind his set up, laughing.
"You have to be joking." He laughs. "You're so funny, I love you." Octavio stops laughing and looks down, as if he were blushing. Cuttlefish chuckled and spoke into the mic quite loudly.
"Oi! Octo! We recording or what?" Octavio jumps at the sound of the mic and Craig's voice coming out of the speakers. "What's you're DJ name anyway?" Cap'n Cuttlefish asks.

"It's Kelp King, Craig. Now let's mix some rap." The DJ of the two slips his headphones on, creating a beat that Craig started to rap to. Half an hour passes before they both decide that they are finished with their track.
"And done. You sound good, Peace Pops." Octavio says, laughing at the end of the sentence. They both listen to the track that they both produced.
"You're pretty good at rapping, y'know." DJ Octavio mentions.
"You're not too shabby with DJ-ing either... You know what you said before? Did you mean it?" Cap'n Cuttlefish asks. Octavio goes a brighter red than what he already is and nods. He suddenly feels a pressure around his body. He opens his eyes from embarrassment to see who he confessed to hugging him close.
"Same here, DJ."

"To be fair, I never thought all of that old equipment would work." Cap'n Cuttlefish. "But that's why I was never fussed if you escaped. It's was mainly Callie and Marie who cared. I mean, we couldn't live without the Great Zapfish. I have to admit, bit of a dick move there." He chuckles.
"I miss those days though, Craig. I took Callie to get close to you. I wanted to see you again. I mean, I know I'm in this little snowglobe, but I don't mind because I see you!" Cap'n Cuttlefish stands up and walks over to the snow globe.
"We can still relive the old days in our memories though. And just remember what you said, Kelp King" Craig puts his hand against the snowglobe. They both chuckle.
"Love you too, Peace Pops."

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