Callie and Marie

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The Squid Sisters sit on the sofa, in their apartment , recovering from the Off the Hook concert since they closed the show. Both of them had their feet rested on the sofa. Callie sat with her legs crossed, while Marie leans back on the sofa's arm rest with her feet on the sofa and her knees up, perfect for her to lean her hands against to hold her phone comfortably.

There's a few moments of silence, the occasional sniggers from Marie. Callie also looking through her phone at old pictures.
"I'm exhausted from last night" Callie chuckles, trying to make her problem more of a small joke; Marie chuckles too, adding to the conversation with "Oof."
"Are you not tired Marie? You stayed up even later last night! I walked past your room and saw you on your laptop still! What were you doing?" Callie asks with concern in her voice.
"I was googling the tragic events which made Waluigi our Lord and saviour over our previous one, Shrek." Marie replied in a serious tone, but a smile creeps on her face. She knew she always got a rush off seeing and researching different memes. "Now, Shaggy was a threat, however, there was a prophecy. One that has become true in recent months, that 'Waluigi is the meme that survived, Shaggy will die'."

"Marie, seriously, what the fish-sticks are you talking about? Since when was there a Lord and -" Callie stops talking to save the future confusion for herself. Another few moments of an awkward silence occurs. Callie starts thinking back to her and Marie's moments of fame, before Off the Hook were a thing.
"Marie, do you ever miss being famous? Like, the centre of attention? Not just the side-band." Callie mentions.
"Yeah, it's a bit of a bummer, but at least now we can spend more time together!" Marie replied back cheerfully, making eye contact with her cousin befire reverting her eyes back to her phone screen to browse through more memes.

"Yeah, I suppose it's nice being able to see you a lot more often, but I just feel out of place, y'know." Callie mentions. "Since our last Splatfest, I've felt as if people prefer you over me." Callie reaches for a small cube that is on the table next to her. She clicks a small button with her thumb and inhales. The mix of nicotine and ink makes her feel relaxed; she shuffles from her legs crossed to bending over the edge of the sofa, the stereotypical way to sit on a sofa. "I mean, I suppose Octavio preferred me..." She chuckles, a hint of emotional pain in her voice. "But I just wish that other inklings appreciate me equally." Callie takes another puff from her vape; the room filling with bubblegum flavoured evaporated ink. The mists flowing out of her mouth, similar to how 'Bomb Rush Blush' did when she performed a solo concert for Agent 4 under the control of DJ Octavio.

"Listen, Cous'." Marie starts to speak. "Every inkling missed you when you were kidnapped, there were search parties for goodness sake! Unfortunately, Agent 3 was unavailable. But if it wasn't for 4 -" She pauses as she notices a familiar meme which includes her cousin. "- There would still be search parties out for you. They really did care - Splatfests really don't mean that much."
Callie shuffles her legs around again, instead of both feet on the floor, her left leg now crosses over the top of her right leg. "It's hard when you've been what I've been through. It's tricky to adjust." She shoves her vape back in her mouth and inhales again. Blowing it back out again, watching the evaporated ink disappear into thin air. "I'm still confused about what is reality and what isn't. Them shades Octavio gave me really messed me up." She shuffles her feet around so that she is sat cross-legged once again "If it wasn't for you and your sniping skills I would still have them on" Callie laughs with a bit of pain again.

"Well, I believe that they are 'the very best, like no gun ever was'." Marie chuckles at the small joke she made. For a small moment it feels awkward between the two inklings, before Marie decides to help Callie with her negative thoughts. "Hey, Cal, if it helps. Even though people have made memes from the glasses, you never know what they were thinking. Making the meme could have been their coping mechanism, like you and vaping." Marie starts to speak to her cousin. Callie nods her head as she listens to Marie talk. Taking an inhale of her vape, shuffling her legs out so they are similar to Marie's.

"I also think that you need to get the support you need. Most people would say from your fans because they love you no matter what, but they aren't profreshional. I think you need proper help from a therapist; especially since your fans only know you went missing, not that you were kidnapped." Marie states, making a clear point to her cousin.
"I don't need it, I'm fine." Callie takes a deep inhale of her vape, enjoying the bubblegum taste, shuffling around to get comfy again. "I have myself and now you, so I'm all good! It will just take a bit of time to adjust back to my normal happy life." She shuffles again, taking another inhale from her vape. "You have your memes to help you feel happy, I have  my vape, I don't know what I would do without it in all fairness... Being kidnapped, going solo and your own cousin being too busy for you can impact you so much." Small trails of ink tears rolling down her face. "With your memes you connect with your fans, but me?" She sniffles to prevent further tears from leaking from her eyes. "With my vape, it's just me and my thoughts." She tries to laugh it off, but she can't.

"Oof, this is so sad, Alexa, play 'Despacito'." Marie chuckles to herself, staring at her phone. A small silence leaves an awkward feeling around the room. Marie looks away from her phone, to see her cousin to have streams of tears running down her face. Marie quickly drops her phone and hugs Callie as well as she could; hugging the ball that Callie created with herself.

"It's not a bad thing that you have a vape, Cal. At least you don't have an addiction to something worse. I heard Off the Hook, y'know Pearl and Marina, they apparently do pot. So you could be in a worse addiction like that. But a vape is close to harmless! And look at us! We're back together! Even if we aren't performing, which we did last night, did you see how many people stayed? Basically no one left apart from Pearl and Marina!" Marie speaks encouragingly to her cousin.
"They probably stayed for you though!" Callie attacks herself with comments.
"Doubt it, they could've gone on Squid-tify and listened there. But they stayed for you. They were screaming for you Callie! They love you!" Callie calms down slightly and looks up at her cousin.
"You're right, Mar. Even those who don't like me, there's still loads that do enjoy my singing. You're the best!" She chuckles through a couple more tears. "Now I see why you were greater voted for." She looks up to Marie to see whether she approves. She chuckles and hugs Callie tighter. "Oof, a little tight there, Mar." Callie laughs, wiping the last few tears away from her face.

Splifftoon (Splatoon AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora