Agents 3, 4 and 8

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The subway... Now extended to Octo Canyon ever since Agent 8 won the battle against Commander Tartar. She still had worries about doing her duties on the subway, ensuring everything was all good. To prevent her from panicking, Agent 3, who previously helped supervised. Both of their shifts were over and they were heading to meet Agent 4, who finished her shift in Octo Valley. They sit on the subway train, wobbling ever so slightly with the movement of the train cart.

"So, how do you think you're doing in Squidbeak Splatoon? And how does it feel to be the first octoling agent?" 3 asks. 8 smiles at her and dips her head ever so slightly.
"It's a lot more tiring than I thought it would be, but not as much hard work that I expected. Just sorta patrolling the stations is tiring." She tells her friend as she nods.
"I mean, what you did was a lot more emotionally challenging than what I did. I didn't get blown up by a blue sea cucumber if I let a ball fall off the edge." She looks over at 8, who has phased out but has worry in her eyes. Agent 3 notices quickly and starts to lightly shake her. "Woah, Eight. You're ok, sorry for bringing that up." The pink haired octoling snaps out of her thoughts and thanks the inkling with long, yellow hair, changing to a darker colour as it reaches the tips.
"I mean, I suppose although I did get splatted with the bomb on my back, at least I didn't get past test subjects controlling me." 8 chuckles. Agent 3 goes quiet after a light chuckle.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have tried to kill you, and then I also wouldn't have to sit at the side while being sanitized. I would have been able to help you, Eight. We could've taken that creepy phone all the way to the power lines." 3 explains, sighing slightly. "I'm just annoyed that I couldn't help." They look at each other, they both smile to cheer each other up, but as they both did it, they cheered themselves up, knowing why one another did the action.

The subway train comes to a stop and the doors open.
"One more stop." 8 mutters to themselves. As the train starts to move again, another conversation strikes up.
"You were so lucky on how you got rewarded too. You got them little men cake things. We just got a moment with a mini zapfish." She laughs.
"Have you ever tried eating a men cake? They are so fun!" Agent 8 informs Agent 3.
"Aren't they your memories though?" 3 asks, curiously.
"Not exactly, and if I need them again, I can always go back to the station and get them again. I just make sure not to eat this one." Agent 8 images through her bag and bulls out a small box, quickly scanning through it, pulling out a mem cake.
"Does that have important information in it?" Agent 3 asks, wondering why her friend doesn't want to consume that specific mem cake.
"Nope. It's just an irritating station. You know the one; girl power." Agent three nods on understanding.
"I don't blame you, I would keep that in a safe that is inside another safe inside a bank with the highest protection." 3 laughs as she knows how difficult the station must be, going off what Agent 8 has said. The train comes to a steady halt.
"Octo Valley Station. Please take all your belongings and mind the gap between the train and the platform." The train voice over speaks. Agent 3 and 8 dismount the train with their small bags. They walk out of the station and see Agent 4 leaning against the wall on their phone.

The octoling and inkling walk up to their friend, 3 pulls out a small box from their bag and lightly hits it on 4's head.
"There you go, dingus." 3 drops the box into her friend's hands. It takes Agent 4 a moment to recognise the two figures infront of her, when she notices who they are and what they've dropped into her hands she smiles. "Thanks. Are these the good ones? The ones that apparently Off the Hook smoke?" Agent 4 looks around the box. Agent 8 giggles, knowing Pearl and Marina's secret of having a bong.  She's done it with them before.
"I don't know, they were the cheapest." Agent 3 claims, getting a disapproving look off her friend.
"If you're going to look at me like that, I won't let you have the lighter." Agent 3 starts to walk off, Agent 4 and 8 following.

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