Tar Tar

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It's been a year and a day, Tar Tar knew this as the large celebration the cephalopods held every six months since he was defeated. The night previous he heard the bass and saw the laser lights shine up. He knew he was the cause of it. But now he had no one, just himself and the ruins of Ark Polis to keep him sheltered.

He talks to himself, saying how he could try to get more recruitments for his 'test' so that they could collect all ofhe 'thangs' and send themselves to their own doom; creating a turquoise jelly-like formula. With this substance, he would consume it, giving him moments of happiness and no feeling of loneliness anywhere to be seen. However, on days like these, he has no formula left and therefore feels a lot lonelier than he did the first year after his defeat.

He had none left, the struggle that he went through to feel like he's surviving the lack of his drug exhausts him.

"I suppose if I could skidaddle over to that hip hop ham-bone island, I would be lucky enough to recruit more." Tar Tar speaks to himself, keeping the 'cool' and 'modern' language to help him find more recruits... If he could.

Every drop that Tar Tar could see was used up, he wish he could see more, but to no avail. He starts thinking on different ways in which he could get more substance to have his highs. He has noticed the smallest bit on the floor many times before but as he is immobile, he has been unable to reach it. Attempts mainly being moving the handset wire down to it, he's been so close yet so far. Today feels different, however, Tar Tar feels sudden determination to get the jelly that sends him on a high. He shakes to remove the handset from the side of his body, allowing it to drop and hover ever so slightly above the floor. He scares the top of the slimy substance; he keeps shaking until he can feel a tight suction that was made between the handset and the gel.

Tar Tar had achieved the hardest part of his goal, now it was getting it back up, he knew if he shakes hard enough, the handset would swing back up to its holster and insert itself. He keeps shaking, having near misses but Tar Tar won't give up. He's spent too long without his happiness, he just wants it back. Even if it for a few seconds. After a good long try from high sunrise to the late evening, he achieved getting the hand-held piece back in its holster. From here on it was easy.

As the handset was now upright, the gunge was now able to seep through and enter Tar Tar's system. He no longer feels lonely and remembers one of the 10,007 agents that came down before his previous that defeated him. He could pin point a date, but not the agent number. It was three months before Agent 10,008 came down and defeated him. But within that time he has had many others recruits come down.

The memories of watching the other agents enter the blender and be turned into this goop he now enjoy, fills him with energy. Seeing all different faces again, made him feel less alone and therefore more alive and energetic. He loved and savoured these moments, especially this one since he knew it would not last much longer. He knew all too well as his visions came to a stop and all he was faced with was the cruel, dull sight of a dark ocean with very faint outlining's of city skyscrapers along the horizon with very little lights on.

"One day..." He speaks to himself.
"One day maybe I'll get some fresh recruits."

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