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12 April 2017, Wednesday


My name is Xavier Tan, my friends all call me X. It used to be 'Prof X' like the character in X men, but X eventually stuck since it rolled off the tongue more easily. Currently, I'm finishing up my junior year in Crestbridge High.

"X, are you in one of your inner monologues again? Snap out of it! Mr Lee's coming over with our final exam's result!" a familiar punch landed on my shoulder and I saw Jon's signature smirk from the corner of my vision.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed that my favourite pastime of daydreaming was exposed. Now where was I?

Let's see, if there's one thing you should know about Crestbridge High, it's that school life is very intense. Besides having to struggle between balancing our academics and all that high school drama, Crestbridge is known for its very hectic extra-curricular activities - sports, music, dance, whatever-you-name-it competitions all year round. And the school made it compulsory for all students to join an activity; 'nurturing young talents' they called it.

For me, I play violin in the orchestra. My dad, he was a legendary violinist. His violin could sing like the melodious chirps of birds in the Spring, weep like star-crossed lovers or even bellow like an angry troll; basically, he could get his violin to do whatever he wanted it to do. I think that was how Mum fell in love with him and his violin playing. Of course Mum tried to sculpt me into a replica of Dad, but I never made the cut.

"X, I bet I'll beat your score again this time," he challenged.

"It's not really a bet if you have a 100% win rate," I replied, unimpressed.

That's Jon, my friend since middle school. He's literally the polar opposite of me; he's got a perfect life, stellar grades, good looks, he's the captain of the soccer team and he's got tons of girls swooning over him. Alright, I'm not that hopelessly atrocious if that's what you're thinking, but when your friend's such an overachiever, you can't help but feel that you pale in comparison sometimes.

But as the saying goes, you always want what you can't have. Despite the attention the ladies shower him with, Jon only saw one girl in the entire school: Diana Choo.

Mr Lee entered our classroom, the casual lively atmosphere dying down to a quiet solemn one immediately. I mean exam results were pretty important; three months of holidays were at stake here. Last year I did so badly my mum chose to send me away for school for the whole of the summer break. Not fun.

"Class, I understand that you are all eager to receive your results."

No, I'd rather not.

"I'd be giving out the scripts starting with the highest scorer; you all can proceed to give him or her a big hand. Rest assured, the scripts will not be given out in any particular order after the fifth person. This is to avoid awkward situations for those of you who did any less than ideal..."

Yeah, he was probably referring to people like me.

Mr Lee cleared his throat as he shuffled the results slips. "Johnathan Lim."

As expected.

Jon strutted up proudly to the front of the classroom, his smirk flashing on his well-chiselled features. Okay, I had to admit that I understand why he's got all the girls in school head over heels in love with him; he must have hypnotised the opposite gender apparently.

Immediately, I heard a string of curse words spilling out from behind me. It was no other than George. George had a cropped pixie cut; the only way I could tell that she was a girl from the back was either by her school skirt or by her shorter stature. We guys forgot that George was a girl sometimes; she was too much like one of us. She hung out during breaks to play basketball with us, she was the only girl that gives us bro-nods and shoulder slaps, she talked about guy topics, like DOTA, Minecraft, League of Legends and yes, you get the picture.

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