Chapter 4: A long day for both of us

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"When I feel...down- I usually go into yours or Mipha's room."

You smiled, how cute!

"Come, tell me what's wrong." You pull him to sit on the end of the bed with you, the touch of your hand on his made him blush.

'Definitely still like her' he thought.

"Well?" You were both on the bed, concern was actually coming to you as he seemed redder than usual.

"Wait...are you feeling okay? You're red." Looking at his scales you laugh "Well- redder than usual."
Slowly, you lean forward to his head, the back of your hand feeling his cheeks.

' Oh no'...Sidon thought.
'No don't come closer..!!'

Don't get me wrong- he loved you being so close to  him. But as if you would feel the same as he did.

"Mm.. just stressed!" He pulls away from your touch, it was almost torture having your face so close to his-but on the plus side, it was cute seeing as you have to go on your knees to reach his head.

Your hand lingered in the air a while before they flopped onto your lap. "Well tell me then."

Avoiding the question at hand Sidon averts his eyes and blubbers quickly,"Wait! When were you let out?!"
You knew exactly what he was doing, well not all of the story of course.

To be honest, Sidon wanted you to go with him as a date. If he saw your face turn at the question then he would just add 'only as friends of course' but now wasn't the time.

"A while after you left this morning..."You went along with his excuses. If he didn't want to say, he didn't have to. But you will get it out of him another day.

"Oh! Well then how come I didn't see you earlier?"
Looking at the window it was dark out, were you THAT busy getting yourself ready?

You did go for some food...and listen to the conversation, you wanted to say 'I wanted to look good for you.'

That's not something you would have wanted to say before...what was going on with you?

"Not sure, my main goal was to actually surprise you but- guess that didn't happen."

Sidon exhales, putting a hand on your small shoulder he pulls a closed eyed smile."How thoughtful! I would have been delighted, but you must be so tired right?"

Standing up he looks down on you still kneeling on the bed.

'Cheeky thing' you think.

Shaking your head you sigh. "Maybe."

"Yup! Come on, bed time for you mrs!"  Walking to your clothes drawers he pulls the top draw.

'He knows where everything is?!' Your eyes widen as he pulls out some pyjamas and launches them at you laughing.

"H-hey!" You didn't have enough time to think as the clothes hit you smack in the head.

"There. I'll leave and let you change now"

You frowned,"I don't want to sleep" standing up you go on your tip-toes to look at him.

"Tough ___. I'm leaving now if you like it or not." he laughed and went towards the door.

You didn't want him to leave! You were happy to just talk all night, 'He might be tired to though' you thought.

"Mm-kay." You walked him to the door.

'Could I go in for a hug?' Sidon thought.

'I'll take them chances.'

Leaning down- he wraps his arms around your small figure, surprised, yet happy you wrap your arms around his neck and give him the best hug you could without his head getting in the way.

"Goodnight, Little princess" Sidon whispered. Pulling away from the hug, you try to hide your pink face.


The door shut.

You sighed loudly, as you went to change into your clothes and sleep.

'I'm sure I saw a blush on her face..' Sidon was going to the end of the corridor where his room lay waiting for him to collapse in.

Opening the large door he threw off his gear. His sword was put on a shelf and his head peace was put on another shelf below it. Blinking with tiredness he dived into his sleeping pool.

"Don't be stupid Sidon. She wouldn't blush for you" he thought out loud before falling asleep.

Chapter 4 already. Literally my hands ache but it's so fun writing. Not that many of ya are interested haha. I hope I'm doing an okay job...

A tale of fated love- BOTWNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ