"I heard that"

The brunette toddles behind her husband placing a hand over her big belly as he makes his way into the kitchen. She watches silently , sitting on the chair of the dining table watching her man at work.

She will never get tired of watching him, she used to do that all the time before they got together. For her Aditya was the- is the most beautiful human being to walk on this planet. She bites her lip admiring the muscles  of his bare back as he moves flawlessly around the kitchen , getting a cup and spoon with all the ingredient her eyes travelling down to his lean v form. She smiles at the memory that appears in her head of her husband , not one week ago as he takes in her handsome back and those black sweat pants when he had  claimed to get their son's or daughter's name tattooed on the middle of his back. Zoya thought it was so hot and pounced on the man , only for the man to say , twenty minutes later, he can't wait to get the tattoo if this is the reaction he will get.

And speaking of tattoo yes , they still don't know the gender , deciding to keep it a secret , just for little fun and to add into their surprise when their bundle of joy arrived. Although , Aditya still got the name scribbled from the doctor to show Noor and Arjun and also their parents , so they can work on nursery as all had insisted to be a part of their little world somehow although Zoya disagreed stating they already are.

Aditya had just exclaimed how that just makes everything so much more anticipating and exciting and Zoya had to give in after that enamored smile and those sparkling eyes he had sported at that very moment.

"Here comes Hooda special hot choco cuppa for my lil baby and a adarakwali chai for the mumma" she is brought out of the thoughts when Aditya comes and places the cup right in front of her with a small handkerchief.

She smiles thankfully and with love at him before grabbing the cup. "Shukriya Adi"

"You're welcome" he smiles about to join him at the table but is stopped as she slams the cup on the table exclaiming loudly "Yuck!"

"Hun what?!" Aditya blinks at her twisted and pursed lips as she pushes the both the cups away . He watches totally baffled as the smiling , smooth and cuddly aura of his wife changes into red color rising on her neck and face, furrowed brows and a completely off expression ready to pounce on him , not in a good way

"I dont want that ! I want cold choco cuppa and chai, this is too Hot Adi , why would you give me this , it is so hot" she exclaims flailing her one hand while pushing the cups away with the other and Adi can only work with his side although he knows he should just shut up , but when was he so wise anyway.

"I thought you said hot cuppa"

"Not so hot ! I said a hot cuppa , but not that hot , slightly cold like the perfect balance " she exclaims blabbering as she looks furiously , she wanted a nice , hot and simmering cup of cuppa with the right about of coldness to it , was that so much to ask ?

"Okay , we will wait this out " he said while in his mind he is still questioning as to how she is going to drink both the cuppa and chai together. But lately he had stopped questioning her for her choices especially after the last time she had achar with mayonnaise and bread.

Tears brim in the beautiful hazel eyes at Aditya's suggestion and in a second like a switch the anger fades away replacing by sad and sniffling . She rubs her eyes with a fist and pouts heavily as she mutters "It won't taste the same! I want a cold choco cuppa -"

Loss at words Adi doesn't know what to do now , he forgot how crazy Zoya's cravings and mood-swings have gotten . He tries to reason with him only to be cut by her "Zoya you're not making any se-"

Zoya blinks back at his ridiculous words cutting him out as she gets up from her chair, as fast as her wobbly body can and shouts at her man placing her palm on her protruding belly making a point "Dont you dare ! Your baby wants a cold cuppa , make a cold cuppa and I want a chai "

"Zo babe , we will just - not wait this out I am already on one" Aditya sighs ready to argue but gives in as he looks at her face ready to challenge him. As much as he loves being right all the time and knows how much ridiculous Zoya is sounding right now. He loves her more and he knows this will cause her a lot of stress in sometime and also the argument will follow if he so much as peeps in different direction .

Thinking going with her will be his best option will do and that just  exactly what he does and soon Zoya is smiling happily and takes her seat back leaning her chin on her palm as she compliments "That's like a good boy "

Zoya then furrows her brow as she watches Aditya getting up and going away from her and as if she had just forgotten their whole conversation , catching the big man's arm she asks softly "Where are you going ?!"

"To make your cuppa ?" he answers with a confused question of his own , not knowing When Zoya's mood changes or she will cry again. It is like he is walking on egg shells but he will have this no other way .

He loves the way pregnant Zoya looks, fucking cuddly and beautiful .

"C'mere first , baby is craving for some kisses" she pulls the tall man surprising him and pulls him down for a kiss she is been craving since she woke up, and her husband greeted her with one not just ten minutes ago.

"To bad for baby as I am only interested in mummy's lips and butt" Harry whispers as their noses touch only for her to gasp softly and hit Aditya's chest lightly


Aditya smirks at the way the blush appears on his wife's cheeks and continues shrugging as it only brightens at his next words .

"What? It's true"

With that Zoya pulls him into a sweet , loving and romantic kiss before pushing him away slightly in the direction of the stove as she retroats playfully

"Ya we will see about that"


A cute little fluff to brighten up your day ❤️

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Ri x

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