Chapter 25

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Ellie's Pov.
   As soon as I hang up the phone I start crying uncontrollably. Why the fuck would I do that? Why would I hang up with the boy that I want to be with forever? It's crazy what love can do.

   When we started out we were just two teenagers enjoying each other's company, and he told me that sometimes you just have to "break the rules". Little did I know, it would end up breaking me.

   Things were so much easier when I stayed home, and I didn't have but two friends. Now I'm "friends" with all of Ethan's friends. Even though none of that is real. And I guess this is just the world teaching me that having two amazing friends that are there for you is better than having a whole group that doesn't care about anything except for selling drugs. They don't care about me, they don't care about Ethan, and they don't care about each other.

   I've lost everything. My parents don't trust me, my friends won't talk to me anymore, which is mostly because I haven't even been to school in a week or two, but they haven't even tried to check up on me because they know how much I've lost myself, and nothing they can say will help. I gave up on myself, and my baby. And now I've just given up on the love of my life.

   The only thing I had left. The only person who was there for me. He loves me so much, and I just hung up on him.

   I was so worried that he would hate me, and that I had messed everything up. And now.. we'll now I guess I don't have to worry about any of that anymore because I finally lost everything. I lost my parents trust, I lost my relationship, I lost my baby, and I lost myself.

I sit in bed curled up crying for what seems like forever. It's like the more you hurt, the longer it takes for you to stop hurting. Time seemed to stand still, while I was in that bed. Like things were never going to change. And I guess in some ways there not. I've done so much these past few months that I can't take back. But if I could, would I?

I mean, I wouldn't have met Ethan, and I wouldn't have gotten pregnant. But I also wouldn't have started taking drugs, or lost my baby.

I don't know what would have happened if me and Ethan hadn't started dating, but now I'm so in love with him, that I can't stand thinking about us not being together. I need to see him.

   I put on my shoes, and run downstairs. I don't even attempt to talk to my parents. I just grab the keys off of the kitchen counter, and run to the car. I have to go talk to Ethan in person. I need to tell him how much I love him, and how much he means to me. And I know I'll never be able to do that over the phone.

   Once I get into the car, I try my best to get over to his house as fast as I can, but there's so much traffic. Why did the highway have to be so busy tonight. I don't know, maybe it was just me, being anxious and worried again, but finally after about half an hour I make it over to his house.

   I park and step out of the car to see a bunch of red and blue flashing lights. I run over to Ethan's Mom to ask her what's going on, but there is like ten police cars in her driveway, and she couldn't stop crying.

   I just stand there waiting for her to say something until I see Sean crying while talking to one of the police officers. I walk over to him in a nervous fashion, and ask what happened.

Ethan's Dad: *looks at me and wipes his tears* Oh Ellie, what are you doing here?

Ellie: Me and Ethan got into a huge argument over the phone, so I came over here to talk to him in person.

Ethan's Dad: *still crying* I.. I don't know how to tell you this, but uhm..

   Just then I see two guys wearing paramedic uniforms carrying a gurney with something on it. My heart drops, at the thought of what might be on it, and then I look back at Sean to let him finish talking.

Police officer: *cuts Sean off* I'm so sorry to inform you of this ma'am, but Mr. Dolan has passed away.

Ellie: *starts crying and shaking* Wha-

I'm not even able to finish my sentence before I get a slight dizzy feeling, and then the last thing I see is black.

I wake up about 30 minutes later with Ethan's Parents and two paramedics looking at me.

Paramedic 1: Hello *waves hand* Are you feeling better?

Ellie: *sits up* What happened?

Ethan's Mom: Well Sean was telling you that Ethan passed away, and you fainted dear.

Ellie: Ethan passed?

Ethan's Mom: *crying* I'm so sorry

Ellie: How'd it happen?

Ethan's Dad: he committed suicide...

Ellie: *starts crying uncontrollably again and shaking* He.. he... killed him self?

Ethan's Parents: *nod their heads*

Ellie: *starts having a panic attack*

The next day;

Ellie's Pov.
I wake up in my Mom and Dads bed. I have a massive headache, and I felt horrible. I sit in bed for a couple minutes thinking about what happened last night. Was it a dream? I mean the last thing I remember is talking to the paramedics and Ethan's parents, so how did I get in my parents bed. Was Ethan really dead. I start crying again, and then my Mom walks in.

Ellie's Mom: Hey hunny, how you feeling?

Ellie: Mom..

Ellie's Mom: Yea?

Ellie: Is Ethan really gone?

Ellie's Mom: *holds Ellie's hand* El I'm so sorry.

Ellie: *starts crying more*

Ellie's Mom: It's not your fault dear. He was a troubled kid, and ever since you two met you've kinda gotten to be the same way.


Ellie's Mom: Look El, I know you've been going through a lot lately, and Me and your Dad were talking..

Ellie: *looks at her*

Ellie's Mom: We uhm.. we signed you up for a program..

Ellie: *looks confused* a program?

Ellie's Mom: Well it's kind of like a rehab thing. Just so you can clear your mind, and when you come back to school, you'll have a fresh start, and I'm sure you'll feel better.


Ellie's Mom: I think it'll help, and it's worth trying. We just want you to be okay.

Ellie: ...

Ellie's Mom: *sits down on the bed* look El, I know you're in love with him, but what happened wasn't your fault, and we have to move past this.

Ellie: *crying* Why?

Ellie's Mom: The program starts tomorrow, you'll only be there for thirty days, and me and your Dad, will come visit.

Ellie: *doesn't say anything*

Ellie's Mom: I'm sorry babe..

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