Chapter 3

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After school, I walk outside to get on the bus. When I get home I notice a note on the fridge that says "me and your dad have to work late and Anthony is with your aunt, so I left some money on the counter to order pizza. -Mom".

My Mom and Dad work together bc they're both realtors and have their own business. I hate staying by myself though so I decide to text Alexis and Madison to see if they would come over.

They say yes and Madison goes to get Alexis and then they drive over. We hangout for awhile and then decide to order pizza and talk. Which usually consist of them being boy crazy and telling me how I should go out more. I know right.. great friends. But they've always been there for me and plus they're "just trying to help" as they say.

Alexis: so tell me again why'd you turn down Kian today at lunch?

Ellie: you know I don't go to parties plus he just wanted to hook up.

Alexis and Madison: So? *we all start laughing*

Ellie: you can't be serious. You guys know I'm not like that.

Madison: like what, being into totally hot guys who have crushes on you?

Ellie: *playfully rolls eyes* whatever, it's not happening.

Madison: okay, but make a deal with us. *looks at Alexis*

Ellie: oh my god what?!

Madison: you'll go out with the next hot guy who ask you out.

Ellie: you know I'm not doing that.
Alexis: why not?

Ellie: because they're all fuckboys and you know it.

Madison: not true

Ellie: okay whatever *we all laugh again*

The next day;
Ellie's Pov.
   It's finally Friday now all I have to do is get through this annoying ass bus ride and all my classes.
   I get to school and walk in to see Alexis making out with her knew boyfriend Cameron, another one of the famous school fuckboys. I'm used to it though. I don't see Madison anywhere so I decide to just get on my phone until it's time for class.

A couple hours later;
   Some time has passed and it's time for lunch which means the day is almost over. Yay for me! I walk to lunch and don't see either of my friends, so I just sit at one of the tables and a couple seconds later Madison and Alexis sit down. A few minutes later one of the school's "bad boys" sits down beside me, Ethan Dolan.

Ethan: *looks at me* Hey

Ellie: hi

Ethan: uh so I was wondering if you wanna go out tonight or something?

Ellie; oh so you're not going to the party they're throwing this weekend?

Ethan; no, those parties are lame as fuck.

Ellie: *laughs a little* oh well thanks but I-

Alexis and Madison: *cut me off* she'd love to.

Ethan: great, I'll pick you up at 8. Text me your address. *gets up from the table and walks back to his friends*

Ellie; *looks at Alexis and Madison* I can't believe you did that.

Alexis: you need to go out, plus it's Ethan Dolan. Are you kidding?! You know he's hot.

Ellie: okay, that doesn't mean I wanted to go out with him.

Madison: to bad, you already said yes.

Ellie: correction, you said yes.

   We all argue for a couple more minutes and then I give in and decide to go on the date. It shouldn't be that bad it's only one night? I don't know, but it'd be easier to just go on a date than to argue with Alexis and Madison who think they're right about everything.

After school;
   I get off the bus and when I walk into the house I see my mom cooking and hear my dad and Anthony upstairs watching tv or something.

Ellie: hey Mom

Mom: hey, how was school?

Ellie: uhm it was good I guess, but I have a date tonight.

Mom: a date? Who with?

Ellie: uh just a boy from school..

Mom: Okay, when are you going on your date?

Ellie: he said he'd be here at 8.

Mom: okay.

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