Chapter 9

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Later that day;

Ellie's Pov.
I walk out of 3rd period on my way to lunch when I see one of my friends, Alexis trying to catch up with me.

Ellie: *stops to let her catch up*

Alexis: hey El

Ellie: hey sorry for walking so fast, I didn't see you.

Alexis: it's fine.

Ellie and Alexis: *walks to lunch and sits down at one of the empty tables*

Madison: *sits down a couple seconds later* hi guys.

Ellie: hey *smiles*

Madison: *sniffs the air* eww what's that smell?

Alexis: *smells her clothes and then smells Ellie's* why do you smell like that El.

Ellie: huh?

Madison: *smells her* yea, you smell like weed.

Ellie: uhmm...

Madison and Alexis: you didn't?

Ellie: calm down it's not a big deal.

Alexis:?what is up with you Ellie? *laughs a little* I thought you were the "innocent girl"

Ellie: well yanno sometimes you just got to break the rules.

*just then Ethan walks up and sits beside Ellie*

Ethan: *smiles* hey beautiful

Ellie: *kisses his cheek* hey baby, what's up?

Ethan: uhm I kinda wanted to know if you wanted to come over today?

Ellie: *nods head*


Ellie: yea

Ethan: *smirks* maybe we could finish what we started yesterday?

Ellie: *bites lip* mhm

Ethan: mkay, well I'll see you after school.

Ellie: okay *smiles again*

Ethan: *kisses her on the cheek gets up from the table and goes back to his friends*

Madison: what'd you start yesterday?

Ellie: *bites her lip a lil and smiles*

Madison and Alexis: *gasp* ELLIE!

Ellie: *laughs* what?!

Alexis: what is going on with you El?

Ellie: *shrugs her shoulders* I don't know

Madison; when did you start hooking up with guys?

Ellie: I'm not hooking up with guys. He's my boyfriend and I really like him.

Madison: okay well what about the weed smell?

*bell rings to go back to class*

Ellie: yea about that- I have to go to class. *gets up and walks to her next period*

After school;

Ellie: *puts her books in her locker and walks outside to Ethan's car*

Ethan: hey baby

Break the rules  e.d  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon