Chapter 22

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Ellie's Pov.
Gray hands me his phone, and I walk outside to call my mom. I was in such a rush at the house that I forgot to bring mine. I really needed to talk to her though.

*the phone call*

Ellie's Mom: Hello

Ellie: Hey Mom, it's Ellie.

Ellie's Mom: Who's phone are you calling on?

Ellie: Ethan's brothers. I uh.. forgot mine at Ethan's house.

Ellie's Mom: Oh well uhm.. how are you doing?

Ellie: Not good Mom. I want to come home.

Ellie's Mom: El, I want you to come home too, but me and your Dad have made it clear how we feel about you and that boy.

Ellie: I'll break up with him Mom.

Ellie's Mom: Really?

Ellie: I promise.

Ellie's Mom: Okay hunny. Do you want me to come get you.

Ellie: No it's alright, I'll get Ethan's Mom to bring me, I just have to talk to them first.

Ellie's Mom: Okay El. I'll see you later.

Ellie: Okay Mom.. love you

Ellie's Mom: Love you too.

*Ellie hangs up*

I walk back in the hospital to give gray his phone back, and then me and him walk into the hospital room where e is to see how he's doing. When we get in there he had finally woken up, and he was talking to Lisa.

I don't know how I'm going to tell them that I'm going back home. I know they'll probably be glad, but I also need to break up with Ethan. I know me being with him is not going to help anyone. I love him so much, but I can tell that he's not happy. And to be honest I'm not that happy anymore either.

So much in my life has changed, and I know I've messed with e's life too. I mean before we started dating all he did was smoke a little weed, and now.. well now he's out all night, and he could've died. I wouldn't be able to handle it if something happened to him, so maybe it'll just be easier if we stay away from each other.

For now though I just have to act like everything's okay. It'd be to complicated to talk to them about me moving, plus I just need to be there for e while he's hurt.

Ellie: *walks beside Ethan's bed* hey e..

Ethan: Hey El

Ethan's parents: Uhm we're going to walk down to the cafeteria so you guys can talk.

Ellie: *looks at them* thank you *smiles a little*

*his parents gray and cam walk out of the room and close the door so me and e can talk*

Ethan: *looks at her*

Ellie: What the hell were you thinking Ethan?

Ethan: What?

Ellie: What were you thinking going out last night. You could've died. I mean you overdosed, and then got into a car accident!

Ethan: Ellie...

Ellie: *looks at him*

Ethan: I was so anxious last night. So I decided that if I smoked a little maybe I would calm down..

Ellie: Okay, but why did you leave without telling me. I could have went with you..

Ethan: I don't know. I wasn't thinking, and after I got high I just wanted more. And I knew I shouldn't have, but I went over to my friends.

Ellie: Okay?

Ethan: We all started taking stuff, and didn't even know what was going on, and when I tried to drive home, I passed out and I guess I wrecked.

Ellie: *sighs* what are you going to tell your parents?

Ethan: Nothing. I can't tell them what happened El are you crazy.

Ellie: They know you overdosed. Don't you think they're going to ask you about it?

Ethan: Yea, I'll just have to make something up.

Ellie: *starts crying and breathing heavy* Well I don't think I can see you in here like this, I got to go e.

Ethan: Wait El.. ELLIE!

Ellie: *walks out to try and find Ethan's parents*

Ellie's Pov.
I walk out of Ethan's room, and run down to the cafeteria to try and find his parents. When I get down there I see his Mom standing by one of the doors, and I walk up to ask her to take me home.

Ethan's Mom: What happened?

Ellie: I just don't want to be here right now.. I'm sorry.

Ethan's Mom: Don't be. I understand it must be hard for you to see e like this after everything that's been going on. I can get gray to take you back to the house if you want though.

Ellie: Yea that would be great. Thank you.

Ethan's Mom: Mhm *walks over to talk to Grayson*

A few minutes later;

Ellie's Pov.
Me and Grayson walk out to the parking lot, and get in the car. He starts driving and he seems pretty shaky. I just look out of the window the whole ride back to his house, because I didn't feel like talking. I know he's been trying to calm me down since we got to the hospital, but he was really worried about Ethan too.

When we get to the house he tells me bye, and I walk inside. When I get in I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge, and then walk upstairs to go lay down. I walk into Ethan's room, and just lay in the bed thinking about how I'm supposed to tell Ethan that I want to break up. I know it's going to be hard, but it'd be way harder to stay with him and watch him get hurt again. Plus I already told my Mom that I wanted to come home. I guess it's just easier this way.

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