Chapter 18

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<<skips to Monday morning>>

Ellie's Pov.
Ethan's Mom comes into e's room, and wakes me up to go to the doctors office. I start getting dressed, and then Ethan comes in a couple minutes later.

Ethan: hugs me* hey beautiful

Ellie: hey baby, why aren't you getting ready for school.

Ethan: I'm going to the doctors with you and Mom.

Ellie: really?

Ethan: yea, I want to know our baby is okay..

Ellie: *kisses him* thank you baby. I'm really nervous though.

Ethan: yea me too, but everything could be fine. We don't know yet.

Ellie: yea, I guess...

An hour later;

We arrive to the doctors office, and Ethan's Mom, goes to the front desk to check us in. While me and Ethan sit in the waiting room. His mom comes over and sits down by us, and we wait a couple more minutes, to be called. A few more people are called to the back where all the doctors and nurses are, and then they finally call us.

We all walk to the back and one of the nurses put us in a room, to wait on the doctor because he was helping another patient. It was silent most of the time we were waiting. We were all so nervous, and I was still so worried that Ethan would hate me, if this really was a miscarriage. I should have just told him, when I found out I was pregnant, and maybe things would have been different, but I was so scared.

Finally the doctor comes in and Lisa starts telling him about everything that happened so he could run some test. Me and Ethan waited quietly while that happened, and then the doctor started asking me questions. He was asking how I felt, and about the day that the whole miscarriage thing happened, and then asked me and Ethan to walk down the hall so he could run some test.

When we get finished we walk back into the room with Lisa, and wait for the doctor to come back in, and tell us if it really was a miscarriage.

About 20 minutes later;

The doctor walks back in, and informs us that it really was a miscarriage, and because I was so young, it would have been hard to keep the baby healthy and alive anyway. I know he was saying that to try and calm everyone down, but me and Ethan were already in tears. I was shaking, and it felt like my heart had just stopped. I actually lost my baby, what was I supposed to do?

The doctor says sorry, me and e wipe the tears off our faces, and we all walk out. When we get to the car, I immediately start apologizing to e, but he didn't look like he wanted to talk. So Ethan's Mom, just started driving home.

Authors note: sorry for the really short chapter, but I haven't updated in a couple days bc I've been so busy with school.

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