J: Is that so? I'm not interested in what he had to say about me, but more of what you had to say about me.

Me: I think you have an idea.

J: Try to leave early tonight.

Me: I'll do my best. You know Brandy has me on a tight leash lately, so I'm pretty sure she won't let me.

J: We'll see.

I locked my phone and tucked it away in my apron when I heard Brandy's voice nearby. Before I put in my resignation, she didn't care about me being on my phone. Since I quit, though, it was apparently the end of the world.

Nick and I continued to work together to get drinks out as quickly as possible. We were a great team, and he was someone I was going to miss dearly. I often told him to try to move away from the strip club scene and into something a little more buttoned up, but he said he was made for the club energy.

The guy I had a run in with a few weeks prior lurked around the club for a while. He definitely knew I was working, but as long as I was inside, I didn't care. He could look at me all he wanted. After all, it was the last he was going to see of me. I wasn't going to make him aware of my departure from the club, so he wasn't going to have a clue that I was done and he couldn't creep me out any longer.

"Two Heineken's and a Molson," I happily served three men at a booth. They had been in before; I had seen them. "Anything else I can do for you?"

"No thanks," the tan one smiled.

"Great, I'll check back in on you later. Enjoy."

I turned on my heels and began to head in the direction of the bar when I noticed my little follower writing something down at his table across the way. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but continued over to the bar so he wouldn't notice me staring.

"I think my little friend is writing me a love note," I told Nick when I made it back.

He looked over in his direction, then laughed. "Dear Kennedy, I never knew what love was until I saw you shake your tits in my face," he mocked, holding his hand over his heart. "A real, modern love story."

"Idiot," I muttered, hitting his arm. "Seriously, what do you think he's doing?"

He shrugged. "Don't know. I can check?"

"Yeah," I said slowly, placing a hand on my hip as I watched the admirer. "Check for me."

Again, he shrugged and headed in the direction of the man who couldn't have been any older than thirty.

As Nick attempted to uncover some potentially interesting information, I proceeded to clean up our workspace at the bar. I put some bottles back in their place, cleaned some glasses, and wiped down the messy counter. I even waited on a few people before he finally came back.

"So?" I asked, leaning against the bar.

"Nothing. He covered it so I couldn't see. Whatever it is, it's probably bad news if he's hiding it from me. He doesn't even know me."

"Or does he?" I rolled my eyes, readjusting some of the menus on the bar.

He scoffed. "Kennedy, it's probably no big deal. Plus, your last day is tomorrow. He probably won't even be in tomorrow."

"We'll see. I just hope he stays away from me," I commented.

"Kennedy! Phone call!" Brandy's voice rattled through me, pulling me from my conversation with Nick.

Lifeless (Sequel to Soulless - Justin Bieber Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now