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she said by sundara karma

Though I wished it would have, it didn't take much convincing from Justin for me to stay with him until my apartment was livable again. As sweet as the Callahan's were, I didn't know them well enough to live with them for a week. Justin, on the other hand— is it possible to know someone too well to live with them?

Even though the flirtatious banter between Justin and I was exciting and almost rejuvenating to my soul, those little rendezvous came to an end within hours. There was control. If we were going to be living with each other, there was no time barrier anymore. Justin and Kennedy would be a 24/7 thing. As badly as I wanted that barrier gone in the first place, I knew it would only end up hurting me in the end. Justin may have felt feelings for me in the moment, but when would it settle with him that I nearly destroyed his character? What would he say? And how attached would I get before that moment happens?

I was clear to go back into my apartment about an hour later. During that time, Justin stayed with me to help answer questions and call those who needed to know, like my parents. They insisted I could go back home, but there was no way Brandy would give me the week off. I told them exactly that, leaving out the part about the strip club being short handed. They still had no idea I was even there.

"Fuck," I grumbled, my eyes tracing over the damage. The microwave above the stovetop was completely ruined. Melted plastic everywhere, and the wooden cupboards barely held up. Nate and I were going to have to get a lot of new stuff, and I was hopeful that we could afford it.

"Let's just get your stuff together, okay?" Justin suggested sympathetically, his hand gently touching my back to guide me away from the stress of the fire.

I nodded, thankful that I had someone there with me. If I was alone, I wouldn't know how to answer half of the questions asked by the landlord and firemen about insurance and all of that crap. School didn't teach me that kind of stuff. You know, the essentials of life. Thankfully, Justin knew what to say and how to help.

We made it to my bedroom, and I opened my dresser drawers and began grabbing just about everything that I needed only to throw it on my bed. There was no reason to be organized about it. After all, my outfit choices for the week didn't quite matter at the moment.

The taste of smoke lingered in my lungs. It was a taste much different than the one I got with cigarettes, but it was close enough to wear it made me never want to smoke again. It was such a bitter, dryness that wasn't going to pass for a few days.

As I reached for a suitcase, I barely noticed Justin standing near my bed and looking at all of my pictures on my nightstand. I smiled softly, then began shoving articles of clothing in the suitcase.

"Do you still talk to Anna?" Justin asked, his eyes falling on the picture of her and I from high school.

I nodded. "Not all the time, but she's still my best friend. She still lives in Elmwood, and she's engaged, too."

"Really?" Justin gasped, just as shocked as I was when I heard that my friend who could barely be tied down was planning to spend the remainder of her life with just one person.

"Yup," I sighed, resting my hands on my hips. "Colton Tucker."

If I thought Justin looked shocked before, he really was after I said that. "What?" he nearly exclaimed. "Where did that come from?"

Lifeless (Sequel to Soulless - Justin Bieber Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now