Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The next day began very heavy for them, Ms. Wendland gave them more task to do right when they got out of their door they all received a sticky paper with tasks they need to do specifically for them, Noe had to make all the preschoolers beds, Alyssa had to clean the kitchen after use of others, Jordan will change the light bulbs all around the house and clean the five bathrooms  in the building,  and for Mashal she had to go on to get groceries with also putting them all organized, and also clean the living rooms with curtain cleaning as well.

Their day did not start off well as they were the attention of everyone already knowing they get to have to work almost in front of everyone staring to just make them even more stressed for what they gotta do. Jordan went downstairs in the basement to look around a few rooms to look for what was stocked and see if there were any new  light bulbs around to buy but he certainly had to move a lot of boxes as the place was very dark and a few light resources came to small lights that you had to pull to get light, out of any place other, the basement seemed to be the least popular for everyone as nobody liked being in the dusty old place where there were tons of old clothes, broken toys, used ripped shoes, very disorganized on the far left of the basement, as the place was very huge. While entering you had the smell of dust due to the piles of boxes on the front as it was all papers and papers of grades and all students works, definitely not as tall as Jordan but they were hard to see around with them everywhere, Jordan kept trying to slide the boxes aside but many will try to fall with him holding them, Jordan had started to sweat a bit from the warm uncomfortable claustrophobia of the basement, he tried to go to the room that had the spare parts where it was at a far right with possibly the only nice thing looking in the basement was the door as the spare parts were in a different room to keep them clean. 

With the small amount of pain it was for Jordan to move the boxes as they kept falling and just made more of a mess he probably has to clean after he just couldn't maintain it and so he just closed his fist trying not to get too annoyed while he tried to slide through two tall towers of boxes slowly the back of his head poked one tall pile and fell all on top of him with other boxes heavily falling on him as well, Jordan collapsed and he was buried in paper work and heavy boxes he did find difficult to get off of, the air he needed to breathe became much harder with the dust everywhere on the floor, Jordan was coughing and struggling sweating a bit more feeling he could pass out if he doesn't escape, but as he struggled his hand felt he was holding something and before he could question it, he suddenly was able to stand up with easy as the heavy boxes became no more. It was his hammer again reappearing in his hand, not as big as before, and surely not as heavy but did have its weight that felt just right, as Jordan stood in front of piles and piles of boxes and papers he was at least thankful he could escape before it was late, and so he easily went to the next room for what he was looking for and continue with his tasks as now the piles were at least small with the mess of fallen boxes Jordan can see easily at least more distance in the room, with no other words Jordan just looked at the room saying "Maybe Alyssa could help me".

Alyssa didn't have the easiest tasks as some girls that didn't like her made bigger messes on the eating table for her to clean, and laughing while leaving, she did not care as she waited in the living room watching TV before the group left the table and had to go clean it and wash those dishes, at the first two with the middleschoolers and highschoolers it was more of a mess than the preschoolers as it was syrup on the table, orange juice spilled on one table out of three almost like a school cafeteria, at least she didn't have to cook for all these picky people who if they saw something wrong with it they refuse eat it completely, that's something Alyssa hated, and so did the cooking staff that was about completed with four people and when they were done they had to do cleaning which was not their task this time with the four of them and just went off doing  other duties.

"have fun cleaning Alyssa" said one girl laughing as she went pass her when she was on the sofa walking with other girls. Alyssa began cleaning by picking up the dishes in the tables and after that she had  to clean the tables with a towel and all in use spray for cleaning, and she founded it harder to clean the maple syrup on some tables than anything else, Alyssa still felt upset as she could be researching about her powers and it was on her mind all the time she kept cleaning she would only question  why she was granted this and why her friends too, who was this meant to be given this, why them, what should they do with these weapons, do they have a choice of how they wanna use them?

But there was a knocking on the main door, and the staff managers were off to pay the bills out so Alyssa ran to opening the door and finding out it was two men in suits staring at her but with no feeling of danger

"Are you the owner of this house?" asked one of the men with suits and Alyssa was confused at such answer as she was wearing a cleaning apron

"Uh... no I'm not the owner" She responded awkwardly but the men in suits smiled and chuckled

"We are only kidding, are the owners of the building here? we need to speak to them" their tone did not seem to be so serious coming from two men in suits, they were more nicer than any suited men Alyssa has ever met

"They are gone for now to pay a few bills of the building, why do you need to see them?" Alyssa asked curiously but did responded in a more calm manner like talking to a friend

"We are afraid that is confidential, at what time do you believe they will arrive?" asked the second man in suit

"Around a few two or four hours depends" she didn't like that they did not responded her question like how she would of wanted but believes it probably wasn't so important

"Very well, thank you so much, what is your name young lady?" They started to walk away to their vehicle that was noticeably parked in front of the building

"The name is Alyssa" She answered and shook one of the men's hand as a greeting to be polite

"Thank you for your service Alyssa" they went off and she closed the door slowly unsure of what to feel after, she still wished she could know why they were here as not many people visit the building except kids from other schools or someone who forgot their keys.

As Alyssa kept on cleaning she did notice someone helping her cleaning once she came back to the dining tables, it was that girl Morgan who Alyssa was a bit of friends with but she was mostly a classmate, she was wearing a blue shirt with a long sleeved lighter blue with gray shorts and black leggings with long boot shoes that reached to her knee color green, she was very much a cool person to hang out and also a nice one as well.

"sorry, I just noticed you got a lot to do today and just wanted to help you, I definitely agree that what Ms Wendland punished you for was to unfair when you just came in a few hours late at your age" she said as she had a towel on her hand as well cleaning a table

"tell me about it, I don't really care what she says I'll have this stuff done in no time" She said confident as she walked closer to Morgan who finished cleaning a table

"I can help you with the dishes if you want, the kids are gonna be here in thirty minutes" she offered as she smiled to Alyssa

She thought out it "I mean, if  you don't have anything else to do I don't wanna take away your'e time"

"It's completely fine, here, you get the tables ready and I will wash them" she said as she went to the kitchen but by still looking at Alyssa and walking backwards she tripped with her legs, Alyssa noticed this and acted fast as her bow came to her hand and ran to catch Morgan before she fell very closely to the ground floor, Alyssa held Morgan's back with her arms, and with a blink Morgan looked at Alyssa with a complete surprise and shock after gasping

"H-how did you do that??" Morgan asked and saw Alyssa's golden bow who Alyssa just broke her plan

"I can explain, but you got to not tell anyone OK? please" Alyssa had a lot to explain exactly, and hopefully have her slip up stay hopefully still hidden as she planned to not tell anyone about this, but could Morgan keep a secret like this? she is a very trusting friend for Alyssa and Mashal.

It's gonna take Alyssa a lot to make it sound at least full of sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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