Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

To Jordan's surprise, he had never felt so much fear until now, watching the fire burning all around him with frightful red with orange yellow colors glare on his eyes made his heart sink and stop for a second, he soon then helped Noe run with everyone else now carefully running watching the puddles carefully with panic running for their lives as the fire was catching up in the walls of trees burning and cracking, with leafs dropping with tiny flames on them, sparkles of fire everywhere behind them, Mashal had her hands in her mouth trying not to breathe the fire or smoke that would come if the fire gets big enough.
cried Alyssa as she was running but slowing herself down worrying more of them than herself knowing she could possibly outrun the fire but decided not to as she turned around and opened Jordan's bag as they stopped
"Stop! Let's find shelter first!!"
"We need to get help to stop the fire, and we need a ambulance or else we will-"
The flames became more dangerous with them catching on fire the grass as it got closer to them giving them a uncomfortable amount of heat rising, beating the wind that was moving the fire to them, Alyssa dropped her phone and screamed in pain with a hiss as she was about to call the fire department, a tree branch drops close to her arm, and Jordan grabs her already having Noe on his other side to keep moving
"Mashal!" Jordan yelled asking her to get Noe as Alyssa's arm side got burned and scratched by the tree branch.
"We need to go to get you hell" Jordan asks to her as he looks at the gray and burning bloody scratches on Alyssa, but before they knew it, the fire had already been spreading further from where they were going
"HELP! SOMEONE!" Mashal cried as she panicked holding Noe tight as she had tears on her eyes dropping down.
Thunder became more bigger as it was sparking rapid at random places, almost too close to them, all four were standing in the middle of the fire hopelessly as they watch the thunder and hold each other closer almost as they were helplessly accepting their unfortunate fate, Noe looked at Mashal who was looking back at her, holding each other's hands with worried looks of pain and sadness.
Jordan and Alyssa stared at each other with a focus look but both knew the anxiety they were breathing with each other as they look on the others and did not give up, as they were standing together, they didn't given up yet, but had become stronger not letting the fire scare them, or separate them, they were ready for what was coming for them, life or death.
As the clouds were striking yellow white thunder, from above a very different cracking from the clouds sparking electricity became so loud Noe with Mashal, and Jordan holding Alyssa all looked up, the yellow thunder lighting the clouds soon let out a giant blue bolt of lighting, like never seen before the lighting stroke down so fiercely to them letting out a white explosion of light covering the fires and blowing wind all around the lighting, almost like a second the fire became weaker being blown almost like candles with the strong winds.
A flash of speed thrusted through the fire putting it out entirely in one side. Green bullets of glow was being shot on the other almost like beams of light shooting taking the fire out.
A silver blade being swing across the dead trees became vanished from it. A giant slam of a hammer put it all out the fire for good, as it was so strong to shake the floor like an earthquake.
The next heroes have been called.
And they are now awakened.

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