Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As soon they arrived to their building and left the bags, Noe next to Mashal with Alyssa, and Jordan walked into the hottest time of the day

"looks good enough for a cold snack"

said Jordan as he takes out his phone to check to the weather and at his surprise it was degrees higher than he had expected, that had changed his mind and felt the heat already radiate 

OK, the sun is really going into my head, I am already sweating and-

"Its so hot out here!" Mashal interrupted Jordan's thoughts since she was getting the worst of the sun, Mashal has learned that fashion cant be stranded by the heat, and her pretty pink and purple dress with long sleeves must suffer the consequences. Noe looked at Mashal worried for her since he could also feel the heat, but by just staring into Mashal's heat made Noe more tense as it also messed up with his mind.

"Maybe we should just stay inside and wait for the sun to set, it is very uncomfortable in here"

"but we already made plans, and now that nobody is busy today, we can actually do something together" said Jordan trying to cheer up everyone else from the decimated heat. Alyssa and the others stared at each other, nodding to Jordan due to always having very terrible schedules of work that they could barely have time to gather around, even if it was the hottest day ever, they wouldn't throw away a chance to hang out all together. They have been friends for years that this was the opportunity they had to be together before they got jobs.

After them purchasing their lifesavers of the day, their Popsicle and ice cream really did make a difference against the heat, with Noe ordering a Popsicle with chocolate cover, Mashal ordered two cones for herself (courtesy of Noe's wallet), Alyssa actually got a drink with a lot of ice in it although she didn't mind the heat in the first place, and Jordan got himself a cookie ice cream bar sandwich. the day seem to go slow but the weather went on and off, with now some wind and a few clouds arriving at the edge of the north, it seemed as rain would come soon or the next day. 

"well" Alyssa said with a sigh as she interrupted the silence of them just eating and slurping the ice cream "whats up?" 

they all looked at each other again as they had no idea how to respond or start a conversation

"wow, we really need to at least hang out more" she chuckled

"I will be quitting my job soon actually" responded Jordan as he was sitting in a bench next to the trash, not very far away of the ice cream station there was the park where they all sat on a few benches. 

Mashal looked at him oddly "but Jordan, don't you like where you work?"

Jordan shrugged that off with his shoulders and a tsk "Like Alyssa said, we are really not hanging out that much, money ain't really what i'm thinking about, I already have enough savings for at least keep me full for at least two months"

everyone looked at surprise to Jordan but also thought to themselves about how they also felt like they didn't need their jobs either

"well, I really am good for now when it comes to buying what I need, saving for a camera really wouldn't be worth it" said Mashal as she finishes eating the ice cream and throws away her napkins

"I already quit mine" immediately responded Alyssa, catching everyone's attention 

"when?" Noe asked

"Two days ago, I was tired of my bosses just treating me like  they can yell at me" Alyssa replied, and who was left was Noe who had to say something about his fast food job

"Well I could just stop working where at my place, I really don't like riding the public bus for thirty minutes" he said as he threw away what was left of his melted stick

"Guess that gives you more time to study" says Mashal to Alyssa with a funny tone at the end, they all chuckled together 

"Any plans for next time?" Jordan asks as he stands up since they been talking for almost an hour 

"I say restaurant this time, who wants pizza?" Noe suggests

they all nodded at each other and began walking home closer together, walking and laughing about old memories and good times, which seemed to not only be the good times they will be having in the past, but what will there be for them ahead, bringing themselves closer like their younger times.

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