Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

There was complete silence around what happened, specially from everyone who was still immobile over what happened, what was it that saved them? how did they manage to take out the fire with such weapons of offense and agility.

There was still taking them a second before blinking a couple of times and shake their heads and be able to control their bodies again like something had controlled them, was it instinct? did the weapons did that? they were all very confused but thankful they didn't die and turn into ashes in the fire that seemed to be their last seconds alive, everyone was holding something either their right or left hand, a heavy hammer, a sword, a bow, and a very nice necklace around the neck of a certain girl who stopped the fire with her hands, or was it her hands?

"I-Is everyone OK?" Noe finally interrupted the silence as everyone stares at the black and burned trees and grass it was around them, little particles were falling from the trees, black particles of burned ashed leafs falling all around them, the sky was  still cloudy and very grey as it looked it could rain, no sign of light from the sun, the clouds covered wherever they could see from the distance.

"can someone explain what happened?" Alyssa whispered panting a bit feeling more confused and as she barely had any idea of what has happened

"what am I holding?" asks Jordan as he lifts the black and green hammer like ease, being very big almost as the size and length of a giant block of ice, rectangular and but also with soft edges, Jordan inspects the hammer as he finds a symbol on it, a circle with a sign inside of it, it was the symbol they use to call hope, or so they been using it for.

This symbol has been around for almost the beginnings of human society, meaning peace but also order.

"They look familiar, almost like too familiar" says Noe as he and the others look at their weapons finding the same symbol on them, on the top of the handle and start of the sword it was there, on one of the tips of the bow was there as well, and for the necklace was a rounded shape, heavy as Mashal lift it from her chest and saw the symbol almost glow in mixed blurred blue and green with the symbol glowing in white around the beautiful colors around them, almost like if the necklace was possibly.... magical?

"these are.... they can't be... I don't think we have received..." Alyssa says nervously "the weapons of the Goddess?"

"That cant be true" Noe opened his eyes widely in shock staring at Alyssa after what she had said "These are the weapons? the weapons we are holding, right now??" 

Mashal was impressed but not as the same level as Noe or Alyssa who were quite shocked in the surprised guess. Everyone gathered close together to look at each others weapons in surprise 

"But aren't these like part of mythology from the story of the savior of peace? to keep us away from believing about the weapons or any magical related story? that's why they were called just a myth?"

There were a lot of questions, but lack of answers as they just stare and feel their weapons they can sense something, almost like a closer connection than just any materialistic item they have ever held, they can feel it flow around their bodies some kind of energy flowing and it just connects.

"We have been chosen" Alyssa opens her eyes seconds after and so does everyone else fully knowing that they are know responsible of these weapons and they have a chance to use them in any way they want to choose, not really directed what way to use them, but any way they want, that's the chance for being chosen for these weapons, but as everyone comes back to their minds Mashal gasps in shock 

"what time is it!" Everyone else also is surprised and check on their phones 

"oh gosh, its almost nine thirty, we have to go back" Alyssa responds as she starts running but by a sudden surprise she went off like a flash, disappearing  in a second and after she comes back, by everyone surprise Alyssa just ran as fast as light

"Alyssa, what was that?" asks Jordan since everyone was looking at her with surprise 

"you just went off like a race car Alyssa, did you do that?" Mashal ask as well in surprise as she looks at Alyssa's bow

"I-I don't know, but we have to go its gonna get late and we can be in trouble" she responds and she goes off at impressive speed but it wasn't much of news that Alyssa was always a girl who is always on time. everyone else started running at their still average speed, looking like Alyssa was the only one affected by that. As Mashal was running and just having constant thoughts going around her head she started to feel light headed, almost too literally as she was running she just started floating and running in mid air....?

Mashal squeals as she began floating and stopped by realizing she was floating higher, Noe and Jordan stop and look at Mashal and run to her as they look up at her in confusion and shock

"How are you doing that!" Noe asks as he tried reaching her but couldn't as she was off the ground and almost going higher than the dead trees

"I don't know! Help!" Mashal yells at them but Noe and Jordan didn't know what to do but Jordan did had one idea in mind, he looked for tree branches to possibly help Mashal but non of them were long enough to reach her

"Maybe it's her magic" Noe guessed and as he learned from the internet and the stories he had seen from fictional mid evil times of witchcraft and superheroes with flying powers he told Mashal

"Try focusing your "magic" and think like a superhero who can fly, maybe you can control it!"

Mashal heard him as she looked down, she remembered she was afraid of heights and couldn't focus right as she was too nervous to think but tried just a bit and it helped some of it as she stopped going up and stood there in mid air.

"at least it stopped, what do we do Jordan?" asks Noe as Jordan gave up looking for tree branches and had another idea

"OK so Alyssa can run fast, Mashal is a balloon... what can we do?"

"I have no idea what a sword can give me" Noe signed and was out of the two the most worried about Mashal in this very embarrassing situation, thankfully nobody else had seen these very weird traits and story of this group of friends, a little too odd to say as well. Noe looked up and just decided to jump as high as he can bending his knees and immediately set off jumping about a very higher altitude than a average human, Jordan did not expect it to happen, but neither did Noe as he manage to at least go off and grab Mashal's leg, with his weight, he manage to help Mashal taking her with him to the ground as she falls down with Noe but slower like a gentle balloon of air, it was a different story for Noe as he lands on his feet unbalanced he fell with a small grunt of pain

"gotcha!" said Jordan grabbing Mashal so she couldn't fly off again

"Noe? Noe are you alright? that was a big distance for you to fall" Mashal bends down to help Noe as he was standing not looking in any pain from the fall weirdly

"yeah, I don't feel hurt in any way, but i'm alright"

As they all were good to go they grabbed Mashal by the hand and for Noe this was a very special moment to keep Mashal off the ground and saving her to go off to space almost like a helium balloon. They started running back home.

But as they left, the trees and grass that were burned had some sparkles of blue light come out almost as if it affected them, almost like a miracle they began growing back to normal like the fire didn't happen in the first place and only leaving the concrete with some ash in them with the rest of the natural life being back to the ordinary as if some source of magic brought it all back to help avoid attention to the people who comes around, but not all was saved, there was still a small piece not recovered that was letting out purple smoke and as it grew higher not growing around it but forming, a suspicious face with big orange eyes stares as he watches from the long distance the rest of the heroes running off, in anger as if something had failed related to them, was he the cause of the fire? or the thunder? the purple smoke soon vanished almost as quick and all the dead grass was fully restored to normal.

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