Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As Alyssa and Mashal got out of the building, Noe was with Jordan waiting for them in  sitting in a bench ready to run a couple of miles around their town.
"Does any of you have any pockets, Or brought a bag?" Asked Alyssa as she was holding her phone and her wallet
"I can go get one of my bags, that stuff is gonna burn me if they are in my pockets" Jordan responded walking into the building
Noe was checking on his phone but soon put it away to start conversation with Mashal "hey are you ready?"
Mashal nodded "yes, but I do feel very tired" she stretched as she talked feeling better once she has the sun wake her up
"What about you Alyssa? Asks Noe as he turns to her "Ready for another race?" 
"Not to brag, but you I know your looking to win this time, not gonna happen of course"
Alyssa smirked at Noe, he gave a smirk back as they both were very competitive to each other, their friendly competitions were always happening, who would eat first, who would put the groceries faster in the shelves, and always the biggest competition was who would win in a race (Alyssa of course).
Jordan came back to the group walking with a bag that strapped around one shoulder
"I have a water bottle too just in case" after Jordan said that, Mashal, Alyssa, and even Noe would stuff his bag with their stuff, leaving Jordan with the responsibility of being the carrier of their stuff, although Jordan didn't bring anything himself he didn't need his phone at all, as he doesn't use it that often unlike the others.

As they got in the park, they were walking calmly, talking about classes, what was in their mind, and about their future.
"Ever thought about being a professional Athletic?" Noe asked to Alyssa as she was looking at the sky with her head tilted a bit up and heard the question and snapped out of her bubble of thoughts
"I can't be living a life of working out, I have other better plans for my future" she kept looking at the sky thinking about what she really wanted to be.
"Maybe you can be a engineer?" Suggested Mashal catching Alyssa by surprise giving her a look that said "seriously?"
"I would rather wait until I get to know more of what I can do and what opportunities are there for me" she said calmly
"I know what I'm gonna be, and there ain't anything that I don't wanna be" Jordan said with confidence as he always works for what he wants and can't take anything else, by many's knowledge, Jordan would always get what he wanted no matter what it would take, nobody could change his mind as he really would close his mind of other
"A car repair shop" Noe said with a bored tone almost as he already heard him say it over and over
Cars, I can't even think of a license right now Alyssa thought to herself still ongoing with the thought bubble that is on her head about many things she was occupied with
"I would love to have a nice sports car, one that is deep blue" Mashal went on changing the topic into their dream cars, and so this was how they would keep spending their days after quitting what was their first jobs, realizing the other opportunities they have so they won't worry about leaving what was their change in life with their own money and more responsibilities, as those were everywhere so their world wasn't as small as it use to for them, even for Alyssa who would always keep herself outside the box to never feel small, she was always more of a over-viewer kind of person, she was interested of what limits she could always break every day.

As they went on tired after a few runs and speed walking later they were at the center of the park with benches and memorial statues of important people of history, one of those statues was Clark, before his accident with one of his experiments that turned him bit younger. Under the statue it said

World's greatest minds

As everyone walked past the copper statue they gave it a quick look and kept on walking, the group had mixed reactions over the biggest faces to change the modern world with his intellect and advanced quick technology, his family legacy had always been one of the most recognizable due to how much the world has used its technology and depended on it.
From the first ever microwave to the newest artificial intelligence, his fame has not only come from what his family has created but how different Clark has been from his family, unlike them he has helped and donated to many different kinds of charity programs for hospitals or the natural care, Clark and his company have hit newer peaks from critics and millions of positive supporters for this change from the rougher and very hidden life before Clark became the head industry when his father died.
Alyssa stared at the statue, did not like how Clark's company have been in everyone's faces as she believed he did not understand what it takes to be a generous person or a real helper other than using money to have everyone happy, but on her other thoughts, she thought he was possibly one of the best faces on modern history so far, but something still bothered her that she didn't like about him and his "too perfect" of a company, she felt something was behind his company that was kept hidden from the public.

"Where are we going now" Noe says interrupting the train of thoughts Alyssa and Clark's company

"Restaurant?" Mashal gave a suggestion with a tone on her voice that made her sound hungry

"That wouldn't be so bad, which one this time?" Jordan said soon bumping into Noe with his shoulder
"How about your place Noe?"
Noe looked at Jordan shaking his head with laughter "your crazy, my place is a fast food stand"
"Not really feeling fast food at this moment" Alyssa responded putting her hands in her hips as they soon stop next to a bench where Mashal sits on
"Alright, how about some nice spicy chicken!"
Everyone began thinking about Mashal's idea and agreed on it
"Anyone knows where the sipppy chick is?"
Noe took out his phone trying to look for it
"It has to be-"
"I know, we keep going straight then when we find the rail tracks we go out to the sidewalk of the road leading to few stores"
Alyssa answered, being well known of having the entire map of the city in her head, after Alyssa began walking everyone else followed.

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