Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The day was about to begin, Noe was having the run of his life, sleeping on schedule wasn't his cup of tea and so he had to pay the price.

Not again, if it had to be one day, why Monday

Noe thought as he was running past houses, as he just got out of the orphanage he lives in just like millions of other orphan kids who were dropped in by parents leaving to serve the long and old past war, the orphanages grew bigger with more support of the government and so this generation of now teenagers live with no parents.

"Hey! Noe wait up!"

Said a familiar voice to Noe as he stopped to turn around, it was Mashal, his long friend (and secret crush) who they been friends ever since middle school.

"Mashal!" said Noe catching his breath "you're late too? I thought you were one of those early birds" he chuckled but Mashal kept running past him so he caught up to Mashal

"Something kept me awake alright, I just wanted to run so I wouldn't feel bad being the only one late" Noe and Mashal kept running, crossing the streets as fast as they could, with Noe's backpack swinging to the left and right whenever he swinged his arms, mashal was carrying a bag that was hanging on her side, she felt irritated from one shoulder since her bag was full of very big books. Around a couple of blocks and street lights to cross the road later, the could see their High school ringing the first bell.

"Hurry up!" shouded Mashal to Noe who was slowing down, with his face sweaty and loud panting

"I'm going! Just move on without me" he began walking but Mashal turned around and grabbed his right arm "no, I can't have you get in trouble again, c'mon we are very close"

Noe, as exhausted as he can be, he looked at Mashal and kept running with her.

They arrived to their high school main entrance with barely one minute, as they waved each other goodbye so they can go to their first classes.

The high school had three floors, and so Noe went to the first floor to his Algebra class, and Mashal went to her seminar class (the very least important class, as it was only for doing homework or procrastinate), the last bell rung with them being just in time for their day to begin.

Few hours later, on their lunch time, Noe lined up to the lunch line to get anything to eat as he was starving, missing out on the breakfast really hit him hard on his growling hungry stomach

Can't blame this to anyone but me Noe thought to himself I really need to stop having sweets before bed, It keeps my eyes wide open and full of energy I don't need at that moment.

After Noe grabbed some lunch, he walked through the crowds of students also lined up to eat so he can find his usual table to sit and eat with his friends, his table had three people in a round table, the table had books, food, bottles of water, a lunch bag, and some of the only people Noe could ever have as his friends.

"Hey Noe, I heard you missed the bus" said Jordan, the most cool guy Noe could ever have as a friend with his orange shirt having a small pocket on the left of his chest close to his heart "again"

As Noe sat on one of the seats of the round table and began eating he let out a sigh

"Yeah I know" he responded with some food on his mouth "but I won't do it again"

"Do what again?" asked Alyssa not even looking at Noe as she kept writing on her work, looking at the book as well as she was writing notes

"Drinking a large milkshake before sleep" replied Jordan

"It wasn't milkshake. Ok I might had some sweets before bed... again, but i swear it will be the last time" said Noe as he looked at Mashal who was sitting next to him, she was eating from her lunch bag as she did not like the cafeteria food the school served, then Noe looked back at Jordan

"I wasn't the only one who was late" said Noe as he glared back at Mashal, and she was staring back eating her sandwich lunch then both looked back at Jordan

"Well.." Alyssa sighed "I mean we tried waking you up once, but you just shrugged us off, hey I know what's it like to be a heavy sleeper, if my chemistry teacher doesn't give me any more projects, I will help you with a better sleeping method" she did sounded annoyed when mentioning the chemistry projects, even if it was the first half of their school year they all had the similar look of exhaustion from all the homework each class gives to them

"Well buddy lemme tell ya, aint nothing like a fresh morning if you find yourself lucky to sleep early" said Jordan as a friendly tip and reminder of how much Jordan loves to be the hard of the group. After that comment they all went silent eating or doing homework, Jordan kept checking on his phone and so did the rest once they put aside their table the finished paper plates and boxes of milk they had for lunch, soon Mashal broke the silence with a question

"So, where are we going after school?" they all looked at each other

"The mall?" suggested Noe

"Nah, let's go to the park and walk to the ice cream store" said Jordan

"I have to finish this" Alyssa muttered as she kept writing notes from her book

"Isn't that the next chapter we will learn in Chem?" asked Mashal "you don't need to finish that, you just wanna finish all of it at once, come on Alyssa you're already the head of the classes I know, and your way ahead of us, why not hang around?"

Alyssa closed her book and rolled her eyes and said "alright. The park"

Noe nodded "I don't really mind, anyone has money?"

"I got some, last tuesday I got paid, so the ice cream is on me"

They all settled and grabbed their bags to go onto their next classes.

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