The Abuses

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I knew I had to tell someone the truth...I have to tell Bolt..hes always been there for me when we were younger..
"So you know how I said that hes been hurting me.." I say looking at a pile of boxes that are in the room. I can feel his eyes on me. "Yea.." he replies. "Well hes..done way worse to me..." i can feel his anger and frustration rise. "Boruto if I tell you promise not to tell anyone yet..i want to tell them myself.." i say as tears start to form in my eyes and voice. Boruto places his hand over my cheack. He pulls my face to face his. "I promise.." he says as he pulls me in for a hug. "Thank you.." this hug took all my sadness and anger away that i had towards Kawaki. I pulled away from the hug and whiped my eyes. Boruto watched. "I meet him on a mission..he replaced you on team seven..after you left.." i stop to wait for boruto to snap. But he didnt.. "and?" He asks softly wiating for the rest of the story. "After a while he was nice to me but when we went on a mission together we got seperated from mitsukie and Konohamaru sencie..he started putting himself on me. I kept trying to push him away bit then he summoned chians..he told me that no one could escap them..i couldnt move.. he..he raped me.. i cryied for help but he made a barier so that no one could see or hear us.." "that..that PIECE OF SHIT!" i look over at Boruto. His face is filled with rage. "Boruto.." he looks at me. "Im sorry continue..please.." i look back at the boxes and continue the story. "After that i was so scared to tell anyone..he keept on hurting me sexualy and physically.. and no one noticed..." "dam.." boruto says sadly. "Im so sorry sarada.." i look at him. "Its not your fault its mine..i didnt tell anyone..untill now.." he looks at me. His blue eyes conect with mine and his headband is reflectinging of of the light. "You dont have to worry about him any hear to prtect you now.." I can feel his words hit my heart. I move in closer so does he. Both our head bands are agianst each other. "Thank you..boruto" i say softly closing my eyes. We didnt kiss if yous are all thinking that. I wish we did but. "Sarada.." i open my eyes and there emedantly on borutos eyes that are intches away from mine. "Yea..?" I ask. Boruto begins to blush some whitch makes me blush more. To think that we are childhood friends and that were this close is a littel wierd..but i like it..

I can feel her eyes on mine. Our forheads are still touching. "Ive..always had feelings for you..sarada.." shit am i moveing to fast? "I..always did two..boruto" sarada says. To be honest i wasnt exspecting that.. I smile. She smiles back. I pull away from our moment. Saradas eyes are still on mine. Shes so beautiful..
I lift my right hand and poke her forhead with my index finger and my middel finger. She blushes and rubs her forhead speachless. "When I return I promise to officaly take you out Sarada Uchiha." I say grining. She smiles. "Okay Boruto Uzumaki!.." we both laugh. Then we stand up and  exsit the small room. "Me and Mitsukie have to go.." I inform Sarada. She noods as we walk back to her hospital room. Sarada opens the door and we both walk in. "Mitsukie comeon we have to get going!" I yell at Mitsukie at the door. He looks at me and walks over. "Bye guys well be back soon." Mitsukie says his goodbyes. I look at sarada whos next to me. "Sarada ill be back.." she looks up at me. "I know.." she responds as I smile and leave out the room. Sarada stands in the door fram watching us leave..

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