Chapter 20 ^-^

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Chanyeol's relationship with kyungsoo wasn't going too well. For some reason, kyungsoo was starting to get really distant from him. He'd ignore his calls and only talk about work when he was at work. It was eating chanyeol up from the inside. The fact that the love of his life wasn't interested in him anymore, made his heart hurt.

The door opened and chanyeol came out of his little bubble instantly. He looked up and saw kyungsoo coming towards him. His heart cooed at kyungsoo's appearance. The way the round glasses rested on his button nose made chanyeol's heart swell.

He got up and made his way towards kyungsoo holding his waist.

"What happened, babe? why haven't you answered any of my calls?" chanyeol asked as he cupped his cheek with his hand.

"I was busy." kyungsoo gave a short answer and pushed chanyeol's hands away from his body gently before making his way to his table.

"Here are the documents you wanted." kyungsoo said in a monotone voice when chanyeol didn't say anything.

"Are you angry at me plum?" chanyeol said in a warm tone as he snaked his arms around Kyungsoo's back. Kyungsoo had been ignoring chanyeol for two months. It was time he took action, chanyeol thought while holding kyungsoo.

"No." kyungsoo gave another short answer while turning around in chanyeol's arms. He looked at chanyeol with the saddest eyes on earth and it surely broke chanyeol's heart.

"What's wrong babe? did I do something wrong?" chanyeol asked once again.

"No, you didn't. You never do anything wrong." kyungsoo said sarcastically as he wriggled out of chanyeol's hold and made his way to the door when a tug on his wrist made him fall back into chanyeol's chest.

"Kyungsoo tell me. If something happened we can work it out together." chanyeol said, more seriously this time, however, his eyes widened at kyungsoo's response.

"WE CAN'T WORK IT OUT CHANYEOL. I'M FED UP OF ALL THIS. PLEASE~ STOP I can't do this anymore." kyungsoo shouted with tears in his eyes

"I don't get it. what are you talking about kyungie~" chanyeol said in a worried tone as he pulled away from kyungsoo.

"How long did you think, you could keep it from me huh? tell me chanyeol?" kyungsoo screamed at chanyeol making chanyeol more worried.

"I don't get it, babe, I seriously don't know what you're talking about." chanyeol shook his head.

"You fucking cheated on me with that baekhyun. Did u think I'll never know huh? well guess what kai told me all about you." kyungsoo stated with tears in his eyes.

When chanyeol didn't respond and instead looked at him with wide eyes, kyungsoo scoffed taking off his company card from around his neck and threw it at chanyeol.

"That's it Park chanyeol. We are over. I'm resigning. Good.Bye" kyungsoo said through gritted teeth and ran out of the office leaving a stunned chanyeol behind.

Chanyeol did not expect that. Not even in a million years. He hadn't paid attention to his night with baekhyun because it was just a mistake. Both of them were drunk that night and were not in their right senses.

Kai had promised chanyeol that he wouldn't tell a single soul about that unfortunate night and chanyeol had trusted him with all his heart but it seems like it wasn't a good idea.

Kai's Pov:

Kai was in his office when chanyeol banged open the door and stormed in, grabbing kai by his collar.
"I thought we made a deal that you won't say anything to kyungsoo." He said through gritted teeth.
"Wait. Wha~" kai couldn't even complete his sentence when a punch came flying to his face.

"Don't you even dare say you didn't tell kyungsoo about baekhyun and me." chanyeol threatened as he watched kai fall back due to the impact of the punch.

Rubbing his torn lip, Kai got up and looked straight into chanyeol's eyes.

"I did it for the best. I couldn't stand seeing kyungsoo getting deceived by you. You would never have told him so someone had to do it, and I volunteered to be that someone." Kai said as he spat on the floor.

"You fucking asshole." chanyeol screamed with anger, landing another punch to his stomach.

"Don't ever show me your face or I might not be able to stop myself." chanyeol spat back and stormed outside.


Hey again sweeties ;) 



Life, Marriage, and Love. (ChanBaek)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon