Chapter Seven: Police Station

Start from the beginning

We jogged along the side of the road, our breathing heavy when a thought hit me. If we lead them all to the station we'll be fucked before we're safe. They'll surround us and we'll be trapped all over again. I looked over my shoulder and gasped in horror. The small group I had last seen had now doubled in size. I spotted a small road up further ahead that turned right into a small street of tall buildings.

"Get to the station! I'll meet you there!" I gasped between deep breathes. I slowed to a walk and stopped at the small road, I spun around and threw my hands in the air, waving them frantically. "Hey assholes! I'm over here!" Several heads turned towards me, and soon a small group began advancing towards me.

I raised my hands in the air to flag more of them down but stopped when a hand grasped around my wrist. The culprit spun me around revealing none other than Alan himself. "What the hell do you think your doing!" He growled, tightening his grip on my wrist. I winced as he pulled me towards him, pain shooting up my arm and congregating in my shoulder. Noticing the pain etched on my face he released my hand and stepped back.

"If we lead them to the station we'll be worse off than we were before!" I hissed, spinning around and looking for any sign of Zoey or Robyn. I could vaguely see them further up the road, nearing the top of the hill. I looked back at the group of monsters and was relieved to see all of them shambling after me. Relieved? Who am I kidding. I was fucking terrified!

"Come on! We can lose them if we're quick!" Alan grabbed my hand once again and I couldn't help but internally groan. I didn't fight his hold, now was definitely not the time for it. Breathlessly I followed him down the street, glancing over my shoulder every few moments. After what seemed an eternity of running Alan turned sharply into a long and narrow alleyway.

"This should lead us up near the station, if we're quiet they might not notice us." We walked forward up the alleyway, not bothering to run. We were far enough away now that we earned a few moments rest. Slowly and silently we crept up the alleyway, groaning as it sloped upwards. Our breaths came out in short rasp bursts as we slowed down to a stop. We looked at each other and silently agreed we could have a short rest.

I pressed my back against the wall and slid down, stretching my legs out I front of me. My sore feet welcomed the rest with anticipation. Alan crouched down in front of me, his back resting against the wall. I opened my mouth to speak but quickly shut it when the first monstrosity arrived. I held my breath and prepared myself to run but instead sighed in bliss as they shambled past the small alleyway, not even bothering to glance up.

We both remained deadly still, neither of us daring to make the slightest noise. As the last of them walked past I gulped in the fresh air, sweet nectar to my lungs. I stood up from against the wall and giggled lightly. I don't know what was funny but I couldn't resist the urge to laugh. Soon Alan had joined me and we were both clutching our sides in roaring laughter. As it died down I wiped a tear away from ,y eyes and looked up at him.

"That was a close one huh?" I whispered, not entirely sure if we were indeed safe yet.

He opened is mouth to reply but stopped when a low growl echoed up the alleyway. Both our heads snapped down, and we saw one of them, limping towards us. He growled louder, and soon several more appeared behind him. All trying to squeeze into the tight alleyway.

"Oh shit," I murmured, watching them slowly increase in size. Before I knew it Alan's hand was around mine again and we were sprinting. My legs ached to sit down again but I knew that wasn't a possibility, not while they were still hot on our heels. We finally reached the top and rounded the corner, running and running. Perspiration slid down my face, stinging my eyes as my hair flailed wildly. The adrenaline the pulsed through me moments before was now gone, replaced instead by weakness and despair.

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