Chapter 1 Dead

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It consumes me .
Becomes me .
Takes power over my heart , soul and mind .
Holds authority over each one of my body's movements.

Or atleast that's the way it's been lately.

Taking in another sharp breath I press forward.

I've been on the run now for 5 days.

So called 'missing ' for a year. 

I live my life one day at a time , constantly moving from shack to hide out . My breathing being the only constant thing in my life .

Glancing back - seeing the all clear - I run for another 3 miles to make sure. 

Being on the run for so long has pushed my abilities to it's limits. It brought out the survival instincts I never knew I possessed .  My strengths and weaknesses . It made me realise a lot of things about myself I never intended to know .

That's been the third close call I've had today . I can't risk getting caught , not now , not ever .

Coming to a stop I bend forward - hands on my knees - catching my breath again .

I turn around seeing still nothing. Sighing out in relief - but sounding like a pant - I walk over to the stream infront of me .

Glancing down I take a look at my red face , though you can barely see the redness under all the dirt that's covering it . Bending down some more I splash the water on my face , feeling the cool tingling sensation it has on my still warm face . 

Pulling back I wipe my face on my what used to be red shirt - but is now stained copper - before filling up my water bottle from my backpack . Sitting back down I take another breather , trying to devise another plan . Running has brought me this far , but not guaranteeing  for how much longer .

Seeing the sun start to take it's course on the day , I make my way through to the woods . Taking in a deep breath , I breathe in the smell that has become close to home for the longest time now . Nature.  It's where I spend almost all of my time and it's where I feel the most safe .

When I'm in the woods , among the trees and the prowling cayotes I feel at ease .  It's the one place where I can let my guard down . It's like perfect clock work, working in sync. The animals help me by masking my scent - and keeping me safe from other lurking predators - while I in return help them hunt and keep alluring hunter eyes away from them and their prey . This is like my home , and they're my family . We look out for one another .

Walking through the rows of Elm , I make my way back to the cove.
A twig snapping in the distance brings me on high alert , making me take my running stance just incase . Seeing a deer move out behind the tree makes me sigh in relief as I continued walking. Being paranoid has become second nature to me like breathing or blinking .

The sky quickly turns to dusk as I quicken my steps before I lose anymore daylight . Upon almost reaching the cove , an arrow flew past my shoulder - by a hair - and into the tree next to me . Knowing no other sane human on the run - like me - or hunter would shoot at another human if they weren't government officials on the look out  , so I made a break for it .

I ran through the trees , feeling the cold night wind nipping on my bare arms as I pressed forward , zig zagging through the trees in hopes to lose them , again .
Coming to a clearing I come to a halt. It's been so long since I've seen civilians , and I'm not quite sure how to react.  But having no time to waste thinking about it , I run in causing havoc as far as I go . I tried to keep myself stealthy but seeing the state I was in, they obviously put two and two together and found I was on the run . And seeing them in a bunkerd down area in the woods led me to think they were too .

Rushing up to the first person I saw , I cried out of breath,  "please sir , may I please get your jacket . They're after me and I desperately need to hide . " 

Seeing the desperateness in my eyes and having basic knowledge of the situation I'm in , he hands it over without a word . Thanking him , I rush through -  pulling my hair in a very messy bun - before chucking the black hoodie over my body , putting the hood on .

This would have to do , for now .

Atleast whoever was behind me wouldn't recognise me , or that I was a girl .

Making my way through the small isolated area I come to a stop,  taking an apple from one of the trees . I solemnly take a bite , moaning in delight by the fruity taste , overpowering the dry , bland taste in my mouth . Finishing it , I threw a few more into my backpack for the road before heading out .

Deciding that , that was my last close call I stayed near the edge of the woods . Taking small , quiet steps .

The sound of husky , male voices sends a shiver down my spine .

Taking a step back I hear them come closer , and closer , until I hid in the nearest bush and hear them pass .

I couldn't make out much they were saying but that , that I did hear made me question my next move .

"I swear the girl was right here . I saw her . "

" we have to find her , and fast . "

Slightly quivering I pull my hood further down as I make my way around the other side - where they weren't - and trotted off  somewhere to rest for the night .

Having walked for what felt like forever , and still not finding a safe enough place to hide out for the night , I admitted defeat .
My eyes were starting to droop and my legs starting to ache from all the walking . I had no choice , the next place that even remotely looked safe would have to be my stay for the night .

My legs caving in - from exhaustion - I fall to my knees , head hung low .

Hearing a stream in the distance I decided to follow . Where a stream usually was , food would be too. Where food was, was local wild life to keep me alive and hidden for the night. 

Hearing the stream more louder now , I brush away the branch covering my view, a mixed emotion spreading over my face. 

Infront of me was a stream , but not of water ,but of people . Humans all lying lifeless in the stream, drifting to who knows where their end would be .

Seeing no other alternative , I climed into the stream , cringing as I lied between the lifeless . I closed my eyes - fitting in between those around me - as I dozed off .

This might be the most insane plan I've ever had but what choice did I have ?

At this point , posing as the dead seemed like a much better option than being captured .

Well here's my first attempt to this story . Truthfully I'm pretty proud at how this chapter turned out but then again I would 😂 so let me know what your thoughts are on this in the comment section below❤❤❤

The hunted حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن