Fred smiles and leans in closer to me, "I forgive you for almost turning me into a vampire and for shoving the cure down my throat." We share an intense look for a few seconds, neither of us wanting to speak nor move. "Why did you give me the cure though? I've been wondering about this for a while."

"Honestly?" He nods, urging me to continue. "I couldn't stand the idea of forcing this upon you and taking away your choice. I only became a vampire at my parent's will and I didn't want the same fate for you. Now you have a choice, which is something so special."

My words seem to clear the picture for him and he pulls me closer by my waist. His nose grazes against my own in a teasing way before leaning in to place a gentle kiss on my lips. When he pulls away, he says, "Well, I choose to be with you for as long as I possibly can." 

We both smile foolishly at each other, like young teenagers in love for the first time. A love so deep and filled with an undying passion. Against all odds, we found our way to each other.

A thousand years on this Earth and I finally found the one I've always been meant to be with. From hating each other early on to realizing feelings much different. So much has happened, yet there is still so much more that lies ahead of us. 

We lean in to kiss again, almost as if it were a last. There's no need for spoken words of love since it's clear just by the way we kiss how much we love one another. 

As we get up and join the others inside, I smile around at my friends that I've grown so close to these past few years. 

A thousand years on this Earth and I finally found a group of friends where we can all just be there for each other no matter what. There is a bond that will forever connect us all that can never be forgotten. 

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley wave me over as we begin to circle around the table for a meal together. They wrap their arms around me and hug me from the side warmly. Despite being born a thousand years ago, I finally know what real parents are supposed to look and act like. 

We all sit around the table, laughing and grinning as we enjoy one another's company. We pass the different plates of delectable food around, teasing each other over the littlest of things. 

If someone was looking in, they would have no idea that just a day ago, we were all fighting for our lives in order to save the good of magic. It's good to never forget where you come from but it's always smart to look onwards. 


One year later 

Fred grabs onto my hand tightly as I apparate us to New Orleans. We land in the middle of a parade down the main street and the heart of the beloved city. 

All around us are locals dressed up in colorful outfits, dancing down the streets to loud music. Tourists look on in awe, probably wishing they never have to leave this magical place. 

Fred breathes out at the sight, "Wow."

A smirk makes its way onto my face, "Wow is right." I pull him by the hand through the crowd, especially with him being distracted by the scene unfolding before him. I don't think he's ever experienced anything of the sorts. 

We walk for a while until we stand outside my family compound. Before we make our way inside, with his free hand he gestures out towards the extravagant costumes and floats, "What is all this for?"

"Mardi Gras." 

I smile when my eyes fall onto the Mikaelson crest on the wall inside the walls. Curiosity consumes Fred, "What is Mardi Gras?"

A voice from a story up responds, "It's a Carnival celebration. Parades, booze, music...need I say more?" Fred furrows his eyebrows but nods nonetheless towards the figure above. 

My eyes lock on Klaus standing against the railing, leaning forward with a smirk toying on his lips. I feel myself mimicking his smirk as I open my arms, awaiting him to run down here.

He scoops me into a hug, his strong arms lifting me into the air. When he sets me down, he breathes out, "I've missed you, sister."

"I've missed you too."

I look behind Klaus to see Elijah and Freya walking in with warm, welcoming smiles on their faces. I step in between the two and bring them both into a hug with my arms.

Another voice pipes in behind us, "What's going on? I finally got Hope to fall asleep and then I hear loud talking."

I let go of my older siblings to spot my younger sister holding my niece in her arms, carefully cradling Hope's body as if she was a priceless treasure. "Beks!" We meet in the middle in a side hug before I peer down at the beautiful Hope Mikaelson. 

Rebekah hands her over to me and I rock my arms gently as I gaze blissfully into our saving grace's eyes that match her father's almost identically. With a big grin on my face, I walk over to Fred, "Meet my niece, Hope." 

Fred adorably waves and says hello to the baby relaxing into my hold. Hope giggles and smiles as Fred offers her some funny faces. I chuckle at the interaction between the two. 

Klaus cuts in with his hand raised ready to shake. Fred's eyes widen slightly before strongly taking my brother's hand. They shake sternly with Klaus giving him a silent warning to not mess with me or his family. Fred gulps but regains his composure when Klaus breaks out chuckling. 

Elijah asks the two of us, "What brings you two to New Orleans?"

Fred and I sneak a sly smile before I respond, "We decided that New Orleans was the perfect place to kick our journey off of exploring the world." 

Klaus raises his eyebrows, "Oh? So you two are attempting to become the worldly couple?"

We nod sheepishly and chuckle. "Alexia has showed me how precious time can be, so I want to take advantage of it." Fred squeezes my hand and gazes lovingly at me. 

I glance back to my siblings, "I also just really wanted to see you lot again."

Rebekah awes before forcing us into a family hug. Multiple arms wrap around me strongly as we reconnect with each other after a long time apart. 

"Are you really about to have this reunion without me?"

A voice breaks us all apart, and I glance behind me to see a tall, brunette guy around my age standing there radiating confidence. I look back at my siblings to see a knowing look on their faces as they stare at the guy I've never seen before. My eyes look to Fred who looks just as lost as me.

I cooly question, "And who might you be?"

The guy gasps and covers his heart as he steps forward, pretending to be offended, "I can't believe you've already forgotten about me."

My eyebrows raise at his comment while my arms cross securely over my chest, "I can't forget someone I've never met before."

He chuckles and steps forward to face Fred straight on. I feel bad for dragging Fred into such an intimidating environment but know that he will eventually fit right in. The guy looks Fred up and down, "So to answer my question from so long ago, you're the one smitten with my dear sister?"

I widen my eyes as my mouth falls agape at this stranger's words. Sister? "Who are you?"

The guy's brown eyes look to me with recognition, "It's been a long time, my twin."

The End

Thank you to everyone who has read Alexia's journey! It's been amazing to see this story develop over the years, and it feels great to finally finish this book! You all have been amazing readers, and I couldn't have completed this book without everyone's support. I never dreamed of even getting 5k views and here we are approaching 25k! 

I can't wait to share my new book with everyone, so be on the look out for the release :)

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