Chapter 50

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Light filters into Fred's room, making me wake up immediately. I roll over to check the clock on his nightstand and am surprised to see it's already noon, so I force myself out of the bed.

The smell of eggs and bacon make their way into the room, and I follow the trail to find George cooking up some breakfast. He spots my sleepy figure, "Mornin', sleep well?"

I think back to how soundly I slept all night long, surrounded by warmth, "Very." A knowing smile spreads across George's face at this. I notice we are the only ones in the apartment, "Where's Fred?"

As he puts the food onto the table with four plates on it, he says cautiously, "Grabbing Angelina so we can all eat together." My body stiffens up a bit when I hear this, still not used to the idea of Fred being with someone else. George notices the change in my form, despite my best efforts to play it cool, "or I can tell them you're still sleeping?"

I shake my head certainly, "It's fine. Besides, it's your apartment anyways."

He offers a look, "But you're more than welcome here."

"Thanks...for everything."

George smiles brightly, "Of course." My eyes travel towards the food, wishing I was hungry for it, especially since George looks like a good cook. George's eyes follow my gaze and seems to catch on. He raises his left wrist towards me, "Here."

"You sure?" He nods, so I walk forward a few steps to meet him and take his hand into my two hands carefully. I gently bite into his wrist to feed for a few seconds, emitting a small hiss from George, until I hear two people enter the apartment.

A quiet gasp escapes from Angelina's lips at the sight, so I immediately drop George's wrist. She apologizes right away, "I'm sorry, I almost forgot and it took me by surprise."

I respond nicely, doing my best to be a supportive friend for the twins, "No worries, I understand. Shall we eat?"

Everyone takes a chair at the table and starts passing around the food to place some on their plates. I take a few bites of bacon to make this breakfast seem as normal as possible.

Angelina asks me, "Did you sleep okay on the couch? I slept there one night on accident and woke up with knots in my back."

I swallow a bite of bacon before slyly looking at Fred, realizing now that me sleeping in his bed may not have been the best idea. I decide to go along with it though, "Not the comfiest couch ever but it was alright."

Fred jokes to lighten the tension that arose from the two of us, "Don't diss the couch!" We all laugh and the whole sleeping thing is thankfully dropped.

Angelina's voice fills the room again, "Alexia, thank you for protecting me the other day."

I nod, "It was nothing."

She waves me off in disagreement, "Nonsense! If you hadn't of saved my life then Fred would have forever struggled with tying his ties."

I drop my hands in my lap slowly, feeling awkward at her comment. I know she is harmless but that doesn't mean that this act of playing nice is going to be easy or will make it any less awkward. I don't even know if Fred told her about us.

She seems unfazed by the silence and makes friendly conversation without realizing that she is making the situation much worse, "So is there a guy back in America or have you finally realized that George isn't all that bad?"

I choke on my water but recover quickly, "No to both. Sorry George, you're not my type." I send him a cheeky smile, covering up how I truly feel.

Angelina and George chuckle at my words, yet Fred's eyes lock with my own. We stay like this, both knowing that what I said was a downright lie, until the laughing dies down until Fred smirks and turns away. We finish eating and I think we all feel relieved that no talk of Voldemort comes up. At least everyone could take their mind off of the danger for a little bit.

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