Chapter 48

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Light shines into the room through the window, pulling me out of my deep sleep. My eyes slowly blink open before I haul my body upwards and look around Ginny's room. Sleeping on the floor, I enviously look at Hermione clutching her pillow, fast asleep, with light snores escaping her lips. Ginny is also fast asleep, yet I'm wide awake now.

It's not long before I hear shuffling from downstairs, and I assume the footsteps to belong to Mrs. Weasley, getting a head start on making sure everything is ready for the big day. Strangely enough, I'm really looking forward to the wedding today despite how I used to laugh at those silly lovebirds years ago. Everyone needs a happy day like this every once in a while. 

My hands grab onto my two pillows and I chuck one at Ginny and then one at Hermione. The two girls gasp awake and start fretting about needing their beauty sleep. I giggle as it takes them awhile for their eyes to settle on my guilty figure. Glares appear on their faces as I shrug, "I think it's time for us to get ready."

Ginny looks at her clock, widening her eyes at the time, "We only have two hours!!" 

Hermione and I exchange a glance at this, questioning the young witch about her routine to get ready. We all get up and get right to work on our hair and makeup. 

Ginny slips on a black dress and tells us that she is going to help out in the kitchen just to make sure everything is ready. "I guess she didn't need the full two hours."

Hermione laughs at this, pulling out a thick strapped red dress, fitting right at the small of her waist. I reach into my bag to pull out the only fancy dress I brought, an open backed red strappy dress.

She looks down at her dress and then mine, "Great minds think alike."

I nod at this, smiling at how great it is to be back with my friend. If Rebekah was here, she would be making sure every inch of our outfit was perfect and that we all looked ready to impress. I think we cleaned up nice though, if I do say so myself.

Hermione looks at the clock, "The wedding starts in less than an hour, so we should go down and greet the guests."

I follow her down the stairs to see Mrs. Weasley helping Fleur get ready, hidden from her future husband. She stops for a moment to turn to us, "Dears, tell everyone to be seated in 30 minutes." We nod our heads and walk outside into the perfect summery weather, in awe of the final setup for the wedding. 

"Mrs. Weasley sure outdid herself this time..." Hermione mumbles, eyes glazed over in admiration at the beautiful sight. 

My eyes spot the twins, both standing tall in their unique dress attire. I cock my head when I spot a white bandage around George's head, one that wasn't there last night. 

They both look dashing as ever, so I stroll over to them. Their eyes fall onto me as I speak, "Looking good boys!" A small blush appears on both of their faces, Fred's reddening even more.

George looks proud, "I do look handsome don't I?"

"You do, but George...what happened?" I gesture to the bandage, making the twins share a look before bursting out in laughter.

George laughs, "She missed that amazing moment!"

Fred responds, "More like cringe worthy with that awful ear humor!"

"It was genius! Holey, it doesn't get better than that!"

"I could have done better!"

My eyebrows raise, curious as to what I missed. George notices my confusion and answers, "When we brought Harry back, Death Eaters attacked us and one decided I was too attractive for my own good, leading to a hole in my ear now."

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