Chapter 42

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A few days later as I'm walking towards the decent sized library in town, I hear an owl hoot from above. The owl releases the letter from its grasp and it falls down right into my outreached hand. 

Knowing that I won't reply yet, I gesture for the owl to return to its sender. I put the letter in my jacket pocket and continue walking until I reach the library. The other day I saw Elijah and Rebekah walking in the square, so the library seems like a safe place to stay hidden.

I make my way upstairs and find a quiet corner of the room, away from the chatter downstairs. I explore the Classics aisle as my eyes browse the numerous books on the shelves until I come across Fitzgerald's: The Great Gatsby. 

Once I grab the small blue book, I slide down to sit with my back against the shelf behind me, books rigid against my back, yet I find it oddly comfortable. The letter crinkles in my jacket pocket as it becomes compressed, so I take it out and tear open the letter.

Dear Alexia,

I miss you already. I don't know how long you will be gone for, but I can't stop wondering if you're alright. Knowing you have feelings for me as well and then having to leave makes it that much worse. I almost wish I had told you sooner but knew you needed to sort things out with everyone else, my twin included. He's really happy for us you know? Not that there is an us yet...but I hope there will be once you return. 

Please let us know you are okay.

With love,


I lower the letter with a small smile on my face, happy that he cares and thinking about how much happier I will be when I see him again. A sigh escapes my lips as I carefully fold the letter and put it back into my pocket, unable to look at it any longer. He will have to wait a while before hearing from me since its best I focus on the event this weekend.

My attention returns back to the book and a pang of sadness washes over me as I imagine the lavish world of this era, wishing to have experienced this. This only makes my hatred for Niklaus grow, and I know that no small talk with him will change my perspective on him.

I open the book to the first page and start re-reading the novel I read last summer. My summer was devoted to drowning myself in books, movies, and music I missed while I had a dagger in my heart while I wallowed in my sullen state. 

Right when I reach Jay and Daisy's bittersweet reunion, a voice startles me from the end of the aisle, considering I was tuning the world out. "You like Fitzgerald?" 

It takes strength to tear my eyes away from the work of art to look up and meet warm brown eyes. The guy looks familiar as I attempt to place the brown features, and then I realize it's Jeremy Gilbert, the doppelganger's younger brother. 

It's almost like the universe wants me to form allies to team up with against Niklaus. I remember he asked me a question, so I quickly respond, "Yes, one of my favorites." I hold up the book while keeping my place marked with my finger. Jeremy walks closer and decides to take a place on the floor opposite of me.

"I have to write a paper on it thats due in two days and haven't even started the book yet." He shamefully admits the latter, and my eyes widen as the urge to shove the book in his face increases.

I raise my eyebrows at him, "So you're telling me that not only have you not read this amazing classic but you're an extreme procrastinator as well?"

He chuckles at this as he shrugs, "You're not wrong about either of those things."

"I can't believe you haven't started Gatsby yet. The era, the parties, the scandals, and the beautifully tragic relationship between Gatsby and Daisy..." I trail off towards the end.

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