Chapter 8

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The weekend comes quickly and we all gather outside for a service for Aaron. I figured that I needed to come be here with the other students. I can feel guilt attempting to make its way into my head, but I push it back as I sit through Aaron's service.

The service is nice and all and it is a sad day for the students here at Hogwarts. That's of course not including me because I am the one who killed him in spite of Elliot. However, I would be lying if I said that I didn't feel any bit of remorse because I do.

I am not completely heartless. Yes, I've turned off my humanity switch though I think I feel guilty because he was probably one of the good guys out know sweet and caring. My mind momentarily wanders to Elliot and how he was when I first met him. I grasp the edge of the bench tightly and tell myself to stop thinking about him.

It will get me nowhere to dwell on the past, especially when I am trying to better my future. I get tired from being trapped inside my thoughts for so long and from my emotions attempting to flip my switch back on, so I excuse myself from the service that is nearing its end. I walk back towards the entrance of the castle to take a moment to myself.

I trace my fingers along the stonewalls once I enter that seems so dated back as I walk through the east corridor that opens up to the outside. I stop and lean against one of the pillars, taking in the feeling of the cold stone against my neck. I shut my eyes tightly and try to shut out all the memories of Elliot once and for all because I keep saying that I have moved past it but those are just words.

I take a deep breath and savor the quietness; however, it is interrupted when I sense someone's presence near.

I open my eyes to see red hair as Ron turns the corner. He marches straight up to me with a look on his face. His face is as red as his hair. He grabs my shoulders and pushes me even further up against the wall. Furious, he accuses me of something so true, "I know you killed Aaron, Alexia! Don't deny it."

I smirk at he fact that he thinks he could hold me against the wall. I do not move as I lean closer to his face, "Who said I was denying anything?" His grip tightens and I gasp at the sudden forcefulness of his actions since I am surprised at such force from his character.

I quickly retaliate by pushing him away from me, and he falls to the ground in one swift motion. I crouch down and pin him to the ground as I say, "I was angry and he happened to be strolling in the corridors. If you have to blame anyone, it should not be me."

He exclaims out in fury, "You are a monster Alexia! Our deal is done. Over." With that he pushes me off and stands up quickly. I roll my eyes as I grab his arm tightly before he tries to leave.

Under my breath I ask him, "Do you think that is a wise choice?"

His determined face falters a bit, giving me reassurance, but he still attempts to hold his ground by nodding. I shrug and it is my turn to push him against the wall. My hand is clenched around his neck, making him gasp and try to take a deep breath. In a menacing voice I say, "No one breaks deals with me. When they do, I kill them."

I see fear in his eyes as he struggles against my hand. "Fine" he says with a small breath. I loosen the death grip on his neck but still keep him pinned.

"Listen up my friend, you abide by my rules or else things will get even messier. Got it?" He nods his head frantically.

I let him go and he drops to the floor due to the lack of strength and lack of air. I bend down towards his figure, "Just to let you know, I think Aaron died a quick death if that helps with your grief."

I stand back up and smirk as I walk away from a shaky Ron. He should have known better. I know that he will not break the deal because he doesn't want to die; however, he does not know that I need him for another purpose.

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