Chapter 39

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Here's another chapter! I feel bad about that cliffhanger but it was pretty fun to write, not going to lie. Keep your eyes out for another one tomorrow!

If you're the type of reader who likes listening to a song during a chapter, please listen to "seven devils"-Florence and the Machine.

His brown eyes hold my gaze with a glint of curiosity in them. His eyes hold love for me and I want to admit that I'm happy to see him, but this was not something I was prepared for. So many hurt feelings still fill my heart.


His hold firms up in response, yet no words slip from his mouth. I ask again more forcefully this time with a daring look, "what are you doing here, brother?" I'm aware that there is franticness present in my voice as I question my older sibling who I thought was unaware of my location and magic.

Before I can obtain an answer from Elijah, he spins me to the music into the arms of someone else. This time I only hope it's a fellow student because I don't like surprises, especially when they make my head hurt from confusion.

I am met with a gaze from my twin and I feel anger fill me, "Kol, you told them?" He must have since he is the only one who knew of my whereabouts.  I also hate how my brothers are intruding on what is supposed to be a social event for visiting guests. This is my happy place now, which means no family.

I am spun again and now I know that I am about to be faced with something I have dreaded for a while. This time I'm truly shocked when I see who I am dancing with. I breathlessly say, "Finn." Confusion swirls inside my head as this all consumes me. "I thought you were dead."

I wonder if this is all in my head or if I am going crazy as I am spun one last time, making me grow dizzy. It must be a figment of my imagination, I just know it. It has to be because my body becomes stiff as I prepare for the next face I see.

I attempt to shake these imaginary thoughts from my head as I look in fear, "Niklaus." No other words form as a smirk registers on his face, one that I have resented for so long now.

Niklaus holds me still to prevent me from escaping, but my entire body feels frozen and broken. Dumbledore walks up onto the makeshift stage, gaining everyone's attention.

Dumbledore's voice fills the crowded room, "Hello everyone and welcome. Thank you to all who came to support our guests." I look around briefly to seek out the guests but seem to not have any luck since there isn't a person here I don't recognize. "Please give a warm welcome to the one who donated all this knowledge to us."

The dancing ceases and Niklaus lets go of me, knowing that I will not do anything irrational in front of my peers and friends. A figure makes its way on stage.

Before I can decipher who the guest of honor is, I see a blonde girl wave to me from my left. Rebekah, my only sister, is here too...everyone is.

Why are they here? I know Kol found a way to get on the grounds, but how did everyone else manage the same? They couldn't have made it in on their own unless they had help, from someone like Dumbledore.

More questions fill my head like how my entire family now knows about my magic. It has been hundreds of years since I have seen them all, Kol being an exception when he paid me a visit when I first arrived here at Hogwarts.

I'm snapped out of my worrisome thoughts as a female voice speaks to everyone in a formal tone, "Thank you for welcoming me into your grand school."

My eyes narrow as I think I see a ghost. "These artifacts date back hundreds, or even thousands of years, so I hope you can learn about them in your future classes. Some are talisman that have belonged to powerful witches...but a different line of magic. I have met with Dumbledore and other professors about our kind of magic so you all can learn, but I will tell you now about our origins."

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