Chapter 36

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As per Dumbledore's request, students start filing into the Great Hall prior to dinner. I exit my room to head on over and as I exit the dungeons, I hear a voice call our for me to wait.

My steps slow as Astoria and her sister, Daphne, catch up to me. Astoria smiles at me and Daphne waves hello. Daphne and I have talked briefly before and are friendly, but it is not the same as me and Astoria.

I ask the sisters, "Do you know why we are gathering before dinner tonight?"

They look at one another for answers, and it is obvious neither know the answer. Daphne asks, "You know the the Head Girl, Charlotte, right?" I nod my head answering the question, vaguely remembering the tall girl I met earlier this year. "Well, she said that the school has been organizing some type of event."

A nosey Ravenclaw that was walking close behind us groans, "Not another ball."

I glance at Astoria as she looks at me, and we both let out a laugh. What do guys here have against dances? They are not all that bad.

Astoria replies back, mostly to me but loud enough for the Ravenclaw guy to hear, "Not a ball from what she has gathered. Some type of social event though."

I wonder why Hogwarts would be having a social event, considering the darkness that has overtaken the school ever since the conclusion of the Triwizard tournament. I also doubt that Umbridge would go for this, unless this involves her that case I would rather test out the twin's more dysfunctional pranks that could lead to my hair permanently turning green.

"You want any candy? I got way too much at Honeydukes this past weekend." Astoria opens her bag, which is indeed extremely packed with an assortment of sweets. I pick out a blood lollipop as a joke and shoot her a playful wink. She laughs as I unwrap it and place the lolly in my mouth.

I thank her as we finally reach the doors to the Great Hall and make our way over to the Slytherin table towards the front of the room. We seem to be some of the last students in the hall but once everyone is present, Dumbledore stands up.

Immediately the noise dies down out of respect for our headmaster. Umbridge is nowhere to be seen, and I am glad she is uninvolved in whatever is happening. Or she is too busy writing up new decrees in her office amongst her many cats.

Dumbledore clears his throat before his voice travels across the whole room, "This Saturday, we will be hosting a few guests here in the Great Hall. They have graciously donated vast knowledge and some artifacts for us to study in class as well. In their honor, we will be hosting a social event that involves food, talking, learning and some light music to coincide with dancing."

I raise my eyebrows at this, wondering what was donated. Maybe the guests are foreign, especially since students do not know that much about magic outside of this community, aside from what the students at Durmstrang and Beauxbatons told us. 

Blaise, who is sitting in between Draco and Pansy, speaks up, "I want to skip just because of the dancing." 

Pansy dismisses this, "I think dancing can be quite romantic, don't you think Draco?" She blows a flirty kiss to Draco who averts his eyes immediately, pretending that he saw nothing. I chuckle at this interaction, especially seeing the look on Draco's face. 

Dumbledore however addresses the idea of dancing, "Everyone above 3rd year is required to go. Dancing is not required, Mr. Zabini." We all turn our attention towards Blaise who shrugs his shoulders, not embarrassed by being called out. "We will treat our guests with the upmost respect and class. Now...enjoy."

Food then appears in towering amounts on the tables and everyone digs in immediately.

As I munch on some food, I wonder what this vast knowledge given to us is. It's probably something I already know though. 

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