Chapter 68

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The Next Day

George raises his hand to knock on the wooden door, yet Fred pushes him aside, "Why are you knocking to get into our own home?"

George looks at his twin, "Because we moved out, remember?"

Fred rolls his eyes at George, "Nonsense, knocking is below us." He goes to open the door, but Mrs. Weasley stands there with a stern look on her face and her arms crossed over her chest. 

"Did I say you could come in?" I notice her fighting off a smile as she pretends to be tough with her children. The twins don't seem to notice though and close the door. They exchange a look before both raising their hands to knock respectfully.

Mrs. Weasley opens the door, "My boys, Alexia, welcome!" She envelops us all in a hug with a bright smile on her face and I can't help but laugh at their little exchange. 

Everyone attempts to strive for as much normality as possible, despite knowing about how many loved ones, friends, and acquaintances we lost yesterday. Inside is all of the Weasley's and their other halves, Hermione, and Harry. 

Fred pulls me over to another one of his siblings, one I recognize from a few years ago but haven't formally met. He proudly places his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close yet showing me off at the same time. "Charlie, this is my girlfriend, Alexia. Alexia, Charlie the dragon master." 

Charlie extends his hand out, and I follow his lead as he shakes my hand. His head tilts to the side, "Do I know you from somewhere?"

I think back to when I snuck over to the dragons in order to compel the fear inducing Hungarian Horntail to protect Harry. Plastering an innocent smile on my face, I say, "I don't think so, but it's great to finally meet you!"

"Likewise." Charlie glances between me and Fred before leaning towards his brother, "She's a good one, don't let her go."

I peer up at Fred who is looking down at me with a tint of blush on his cheeks, "I wouldn't dream of it." 

Warmth fills my heart but with the nice feeling, comes the lingering guilt. I lace my fingers through his own, "Care for a walk outside?"

Fred nods his head and follows me outside. Flowers rise from the soil in full bloom and sway as the wind circles past them. A peaceful smile forms on my face as I glance at the beautiful springtime setting before us. 

I lay down on the grass and look up at the sky, soon joined by Fred. We don't speak for a minute, simply enjoying this feeling of being free to enjoy the world around us without the fear of danger. 

I roll my head and look at him, "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what I've put you through this past day. This probably won't be my last apology, fair warning, but from the bottom of my unbeating heart, I apologize for causing any harm to you. I hate that I put you in such a difficult position and didn't tell you right away about the cure."

Fred simply lays there and stares at me with a contemplative look on his face. His next question surprises me a bit. "Can I still become like you even though I took the cure?"

A smile tugs on my lips, knowing that he still imagines a future with me, despite all that has happened. I carefully pick my words, "When the time is right and you have no doubt in your mind about it, then yes."

He breathes in, "What is it going to be like?" I already told him during his transition about the awful effects that come from being  vampire. He seems to read my mind and adds on, "The good side of it."

"Endless possibilities. You have an eternity to figure life out and watch history unfold right before your eyes. You get this sense of knowing, one that offers confidence and security to your life. You don't have to worry about the little things in life as much...especially when you're consumed with this desire to see the world. Being able to meet so many new people and not having to worry about not having enough time to meet exceptional people. Immortality can be such a special thing sometimes..." 

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