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Well. It's been a good minute hasn't lol. I'm hoping everyone that did read this book didn't just give up on it. Sorry for the wait. I've been really preoccupied with school as I'm in my senior year and have a lot to do before next month. This chapter isn't very long and I apologize but I hope you guys still find it okay. Please feel free to comment and make sure to vote. Thank you guys for sticking around if you have <3 - Deja (also not proof read so sorry in advanced lol)

Dinah's POV

"I like you like that too" Camila whispered, breaking eye and looking down.

"But Matthew..." I started as Camila looked back up at me.

"I broke up with him"

Part of me is happy but I'm also confused, conflicted, and just overwhelmed.

"Oh....I'm sorry" I apologized with a frown as Camila shrugged.

"Things happen" Camila mumbled. I took a deep breath as a million thoughts raced through my head.

What is going to happen from here? Can anything happen from here? Oh my god what about myself? My sexuality? There is so much to think about!

"Dinah?" I was brought out of my thoughts when Camila said my name. I looked up and into Camila's eyes as silence fell over us again.

"Camila I don't know about this" I shook my head as I thought of all the negative outcomes.

"You just had a breakup and you're really hurt and vulnerable. And what about our friendship? We- I can't do this. Not now. I- I gotta go" I quickly got up and made my way to the elevator, pressing the button and getting in as the doors opened a few seconds later.

Letting my back hit the wall, I took a shaky breath, wiping the tear that fell.

I made my way into the lobby and out the building before getting the first cab I could and going back to my hotel.

As I made my way into my room, my phone rang.

"Hello?" my voice cracked as I threw my stuff on the bed, sitting down on the edge.

"Hey. Is something wrong? You sound upset" Normani's voice came through the phone.

I shrugged before remembering she couldn't see me and I had no choice but to speak.

"I'm just having a rough day" I wiped another tear that fell.

"Do you wanna talk about it? I was calling to check in anyway and clearly you need to talk so let's talk hm?"

The only person I told about this is Lauren but I know I can trust Normani. She's never given me a reason not to.

Taking a shaky breath I began telling Normani everything from start to end.

"I don't know what to do Mani. What if this messes everything up and what about me?'s a lot. I've never had feelings for the same gender and this would change everything. It's just- it's so hard to accept and I- I don't know what I'm doing" I sobbed into the phone.

I wish I could just reverse everything.

"Okay just breathe. You're freaking yourself out. Slow down and just relax"

I took a few deep breathes and wiped my face before Normani spoke again.

"I get why you're stressed and upset. There's a lot happening at once but you have to think of what you think is best for you. Do you think having a relationship with Camila would be good for you personally?" Normani asked me making me think. 

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