You Deserve Better

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A/N: Over 2,600 words guys! That's a new record for me lol. I hope you enjoy this chapter and PLEASE comment an vote. I need the feedback! Luv u guys <3 (Not proof read)

Camila's POV

"Ally I can't tell her. I thought it over and I can't. There are too many ways it could go and I don't want to mess anything up. Lord knows we don't need more messes" I mumbled the last part, looking at the floor as I heard Ally sigh as she stood in front of me.

It was the next day, well evening, and I found myself back in Ally's hotel room after a day of overthinking and interviews. And now was the time I was supposed to tell Dinah everything I was thinking. I can't do that!

It seemed like a good idea yesterday but now I've had nothing but time to think.

"If you tell her now you can start forgetting about the possible feelings and then focus on what you have with Matthew. Isn't that what you want?" Ally asked, sitting beside me, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"I mean...yeah. But what if she doesn't want to be my friend any-" I was cut off by Ally's phone ringing.

"Sorry" Ally apologized, quickly grabbing her phone and answering it.

" did you see this?" I watched as Ally's expression changed from calm to confused. Who was she even talking to?

Ally stood and mouthed to me that she'd be right back before going into the hallway, still on the phone.

I contemplated going to the door to listen but decided not to. She could be talking to a family member and I don't need to eavesdrop.

Flopping on the bed and rolling on to my stomach, I began thinking through everything again. I can't mess this up and I really rather not say anything at all but if I'm gonna get rid of this crush I guess I have to.

I played with the tiny ball of lint that I saw on the sheets as I waited for Ally to come back in. Took her about 5 minutes but I finally heard the door open behind be.

"Is everything okay?" I asked as I rolled over to look at Ally but only felt my heart stop for a second.

"Hi" Dinah smiled as she dropped her bag on the chair beside the door. 

I looked at Ally, basically asking why was Dinah here without really saying it.

I watched as Ally gave me a sad smile before they both came over and sat on opposite sides of me as I sat up

What's going on?

"What's wrong?" I asked nervously, looking at both girls who both looked as if they were waiting for the other to speak before Ally sighed before speaking softly.

"Have you seen anything about Matthew online?" she asked me making my heart begin to race. Did something bad happen to him?

"No why is he okay?" I asked worried. I quickly went over to my bag that was on the chair beside Dinah's, taking my phone out and opening my messages. 

I was going to text Matthew first but the most recent text I had gotten was from Taylor.

Hey I was gonna call to check on you but I can't right now. He doesn't deserve you but text me when you wanna talk. Love you <3

I quickly opened twitter and saw Matthew's name trending number one. As soon as I clicked it and saw the tweets and pictures I felt my heart shatter.

"Mila..." Dinah got up and walked over to me, turning me and pulling me into a hug.

I could feel the lump in my throat and my eyes begin to sting as tears began to fill my eyes but tried not to let my emotions take over but how could I not.

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